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2837 fatwas

  • People for the Hell-Fire

    There are 1.6 billons people in China, may be 99 percentage are not Muslims, so all those people will go to Hell? Oh my god!.. More

  • Those who will go to Hell

    If you are not a Muslim will you go to Hell?.. More

  • Graveyard Festival

    Is it Haram going to festival of grave yard (Awliya)? .. More

  • Fate of dead babies

    If an American baby dies does Allah call him to account? If yes than why?.. More

  • al-Salafiyah and Islam

    What is al-Salafia and is true belief in Islam?.. More

  • Living in a Non-Muslim Country

    Since times of slavery, my family and myself have been living in an un-Islamic country. We are free to practice our faith and there are no restrictions toward Muslims, however the Shari'a is not the law of this country. Do we still have to make Hijrah from this country? .. More

  • Good works of non-Muslims in Hereafter

    If a non-Muslim does a good work will Allah give him the reward in Hereafter?.. More

  • Acts of hypocrisy

    What is the ruling of Shari'a regarding a woman who pretends to be a good woman only to benefit from others and she claim that she has done many good acts which she did not do only to gain some benefit from people? There is a Hadith which reads: "What is taken through embarrassment is Haram". .. More

  • Teenager worries too much

    I am a teenage Muslimah who is a big worrier. If mom goes to take my sister to Arabic school I worry that she will get in an accident or some such thing. I try to calm myself because it puts me in a lot of stress, yet since the year before, when I tried to do that and my mom had gotten in a car accident, I became increasingly worried. What do you suggest.. More

  • Magic between a girl and her Mahram

    It is true that (black magic) which is Sihr in Arabic can't be done between a lady and her Mahram. I mean that Sihr can't happen between a girl and her brother, uncle, father or could it? What is your proof? How do I know for sure if it was done or not? .. More

  • Evil Eye and Belief in Zodiac Signs

    One of my very good friends told me that I have cast a bad eye on her daughter and that means that I am jealous of her. She thinks this because I called to inquire about her daughter's health and some time after my call the baby had some breathing problems. Please note that this problem is hereditary in the baby since birth and has happened many times.. More

  • Invitation to Church wedding

    I am Muslim from Algeria - living in Germany - and my wife (Muslim too) has non-Muslim parents and family. I received an invitation to a wedding in Church for a member of her family. Could we accept this invitation?.. More

  • Permissible Tawassul in Islam

    I want to ask about Tawassul. Is it permissible in Islam especially according to Shafi'e school of thought? .. More

  • Jinn Exist

    Do Jinn still exist in this world? If yes, can we see and talk to them? Is there any power attributed to them by Allah? Will they be helpful to human beings in any manner? .. More

  • Magic and Jinns

    Black magic and its effects are true and fact but what are the symptoms or signs to ascertain that a person is under effect of black magic. Some polytheists make friendship or take command on Jinns and they make them work according to their wishes, is it possible? Some of them are taking impermissible work and harass innocent persons. Is it possible.. More