There are 98 articles

  • The moral system in Islam

    Islam has laid down universal fundamental rights for humanity that are to be observed and respected under all circumstances. In order to realise these rights in one's everyday social life, Islam provides both legal safeguards and a very effective moral system. In brief, whatever improves the well-being of an individual or a society is morally good,.. More

  • Morality in Islam

    One of the most important aspects of a Muslim's life is to have high moral standards. Since the beginning of Islam, Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallamwas mainly concerned with teaching and disciplining Muslims to have the best manners and personal characteristics. His personal life and behavior were reflective of his teachings, which were.. More

  • Muslims: Pioneers of pharmacology

    Muslim pharmacy (Saydalah) as a profession and a separate entity from medicine was recognised by the beginning of the ninth century. This century not only saw the founding and increase in the number of privately owned pharmacy shops inBaghdadand its vicinity, but in other Muslim cities as well. Many of the pharmacists who managed them were skilled.. More

  • Goals of Islam

    A - Worshipping Allah Alone: This is the reason for which Allah created all that exists: Angels, Jinn, mankind, heavens, earth and animals etc. Allah created everything only to worship Him Alone. He Said, (what means):"Do you not see that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth and the sun, the moon, the.. More

  • Atoms that Come Alive

    Atoms are the building blocks of both animate organisms as well as inanimate objects. Since atoms are inanimate particles, it evokes extreme astonishment that they are the building blocks of living beings. This is an issue evolutionists can never explain. Just as it is impossible to imagine pieces of stone coming together to form living organisms,.. More

  • Worship in Islam

    The concept of worship in Islam differs from that found in other religions and is, therefore, subject to misunderstanding. In general, worship is understood to mean the observance of certain rituals: prayer, fasting, giving charity, and other 'good' works. In Islam, however, worship is much more; it is one's entire life. The definition goes something.. More

  • Belief in the Heavenly Books - II

    Distortion of the Injeel (Gospel) The Injeel was also distorted and altered and is not in its original state in which Allah The Almighty revealed it. Christians contintued altering and changing its facts so as to attain their desired worldly gains. The distortion of the current versions of the Injeel can simply be proved if we know that they are four.. More

  • Belief in the Heavenly Books - I

    In the cave of Hiraa’ and away from people, Jibreel (Gabriel) came down to our Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, while he was worshiping Allah The Almighty The One Who Has no partner and said to him: "Recite." Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, "I cannot recite,". Jibreel pressed him hard.. More

  • Islam Is Not A New Message

    Since the creation of man, there have been many Divine messages and Prophets, may Allaah exalt their mention, sent by God to humankind. Numerous messages were revealed to many Prophets, may Allaah exalt their mention, who were sent to different nations at different times. However, all these messages, from the first to the last, contained the same.. More

  • The Well-Protected Roof – A Miracle of the Quran

    In the Qur'an, Allah Almighty calls our attention to a very important attribute of the sky:"We made the sky a preserved and protected roof, yet still they turn away from Our signs."[21:32] This attribute of the sky has been proved by scientific research carried out in the 20th century: The atmosphere surrounding the Earth serves crucial.. More

  • Islam: basic principles & characteristics -II

    Islam is not a religion in the common, distorted meaning of the word, confining its scope to the private life of man. It is a complete way of life, catering to all the fields of human existence. Islam provides guidance for all aspects of life – individual and social, material and moral, economic and political, legal and cultural, national and.. More

  • Islam: basic principles & characteristics -I

    Islam is the religion of truth. It is the embodiment of the code of life, which Allah, the Creator and Lord of the Universe, has revealed for the guidance of mankind. The Meaning of Islam: Islam is an Arabic word which denotes submission, surrender and obedience. As a religion, Islam stands for complete submission and obedience to Allah -.. More

  • The message of the messengers

    Allah, the All Wise, All Knowing, All Merciful and Just, created this Universe in order to test and examine His obedient slaves and reward them, and to punish the disobedient. He Says (what means):"We did not create the heavens and the earth and that between them in play. We did not create them except in truth, but most of them do not know."[Quran.. More

  • Justice: Islam’s ultimate value

    Allah The Almighty Says (what means):"And the heaven He raised and imposed the balance. That you not transgress within the balance. And establish weight in justice and do not make deficient the balance.”[Quran 55:7-9] These verses of the Quran, which are mentioned in the chapterAr-Rahmaan, or“(God) the All-Merciful” stand out.. More

  • Islam – A Comprehensive Way of Life

    To understand the essence of Islam is to understand the very essence of humanity. More than a religion, Islam is a complete and comprehensive way of life leading to a balanced way of living. Islam brings civilization and happiness to man. Islamic principles and teachings can provide realistic, fair and objective solutions to the prevention of individual,.. More


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