Fatwa Of The Week

As-salamu alaykum,What is the length of journey one should make travelling dua [ the authentic travelling supplication of Prophet (pbuh) ] jQuery111004503117648578432_1734510891251 If I go to 100m from my house, would that be consider a travel ? should I need to make dua in that case ? Jaz?k All?hu Khayran.. More
Assalamualaikum. I had a wet dream and woke up in a state of janab and it was time for fajr prayer, the weather was cold and the water was also cold and I had no means of heating the water so I performed ablution(not tayammum) and prayed. Is my prayer valid? And was it the right thing to do?.. More
What is the ruling on working as a food safety specialist in hotels that serve foreign tourists or serve alcohol, knowing that there is no direct contact with tourists or serving alcohol, but I may be responsible for its safety and room hygiene... More
When my father had a stroke, my elder aunt told my mother to offer a goat in sadaqah and said, "Life in exchange for life." Does saying "Life in exchange for life"cause any issues with iman or is it correct? Also, if my mother says something like, "Alright, if he gets well,i will offer a goat as sadaqah" does that count as a vow (manat) or just an intention.. More
Hi I have question about fillers. I am 35 and I have gotten really sunken eyes . So bad that people think I am 10 years older than I am. I can’t look people in the face anymore . And it hurts looking older than everyone else my age. Would it be permissible for me to try and fix my sunken eyes with filler? I really hate the mirror and when people look.. More
Can women pray without covering her feet in a women surrounding.. More
As-salamu alaikum In surah al-baqarah allah says,"And ?remember? when We appointed forty nights for Moses, then you worshipped the calf in his absence, acting wrongfully.In surah al-araf Allah says,"We appointed for Moses thirty nights then added another ten—completing his Lord’s term of forty nights"I didn't get how many nights did he appointed.. More
Is it permissible to benefit from YouTube videos for educational and beneficial purposes even though many of them may contain haram elements such as background music? For example, I watch a video about a certain subject to learn it, but their is music in the video... More
A repentant unmarried Man want know how to carry out the punishment for adultery on myself. I repented to Allah, but I still feel very guilty about what I did. I had Haram relationship with a non-Muslim girl who'd lost her first ovary due to health issues after pregnancy. She had lost her fetus because her ex-husband had hit her in the stomach before.. More
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