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1451 fatwas

  • Touching towel while performing ablution does not break it

    Assalaamu alaykum. If you unintentionally touch cotton or a towel or clothes while performing ablution or Ghusl (shower taken in case of major ritual impurity), does this break the ablution and Ghusl, or is it still valid? You are not meant to dry yourself till you finish, but this was unintentional. I also do not think that it would dry you very much.. More

  • Ablution and wiping over socks for someone who has urinary incontinence

    Assalaamu alaykum. This is my first time asking a question, so please forgive me if I have made mistakes. I have been suffering from urine drops coming out during and after ablution. This was most likely caused by gall bladder stones that I had, which have now been removed, praise be to Allaah. Ever since I got this problem, I have been suffering from.. More

  • Brownish color means menstrual period has not ended

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am the one who asked question number 2640959. I read the awnsers to the other questions, but I am still confused, I really need a clear answer. If a woman inserts a piece of cotton into her vagina to check the end of her menstrual period and saw a white discharge that contains brownish spots, is the discharge regarded as a sign.. More

  • No need to use tissue after Istinjaa' or Istijmaar

    I did Istijmaar (cleaning impurity using stones) from urine, and when I had finished and was clean, I did Istinjaa' (cleaning impurity using water),and when I was pouring water, I felt this feeling as if something came out. Should I ignore this, or should I pour again whenever this happens regardless of whether I did Istijmaar or Istinjaa' only? This.. More

  • His urine does not stop and he fears he will miss the prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. Thank you for getting back to me regarding question 2641301. Ialready know about the ruling of the fatwas that you reffered me to. I want to know; if one, for example, wakes up late and urinates and only has a small amount of time to perform Istinjaa’(washing intimate parts with water) and ablution to catch the prayer on time but.. More

  • Using right hand to clean nose during ablution

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. Is it forbidden or disliked to use the right hand for cleaning one's nose during ablution? And is it only for ablution that one should use the left hand when cleaning one's nose, or should that also be done outside ablution? May Allaah reward you, Shaykh. .. More

  • Suffering stress urinary incontinence while praying

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a problem of stress urinary incontinence; when I want to prostrate, I feel a drop of urine coming out, or when there is any other pressure on my abdomen, I feel like urine is coming out, should I sit and pray, or should I pray in the regular way? .. More

  • Using glass or clay utensils that have cracks

    Is it true that utensils made of glass or clay that are broken from the corner or somewhere else must be cast off? Is there a hadith that says something like that? .. More

  • Washing impurity off table or floor

    Assalaamu alaykum. How should I wash a surface (a table or floor) that had Mani (semen)or Mathi (pre-ejaculatory fluid)on it? Is it enough to wet a rag and then wipe the area once? If I need to wipe more than once, do I need to wash the rag each time before each wipe? .. More

  • Bathing babies not forbidden on certain days

    Is it harmful to bathe babies on Tuesdays and Saturdays? .. More

  • Praying on floor that might have absorbed alcohol

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. A few months ago, I learned that every liquid intoxicant is impure. I also read a fatwa that says that if impurities penetrate an absorbing material like wood, it becomes impossible to purify it. My question is: if the wooden floor was varnished with a solvent that contains 20% of ethanol, does that.. More

  • Wind incontinence during prayer

    I have sporadic incontinence (breaking wind) and became Ma'zoor(excused) during Fajr time. So I performed ablution and started praying. During the prayer, I broke wind and thought to myself that my ablution is invalid, and immediately after that, I remembered that I am a Ma'zoor and completed the prayer. Is my prayer valid? .. More

  • Applying petroleum jelly, oil, or cream before ablution

    I have read your fatwas on ablution and the application of creams, oils, and so on, but I would prefer a personal answer because of the specific nature of my question. When we apply petroleum jelly, oil, or cream on our face and hands, it does not really form a layer that does not allow water to run off or has to be scraped clean. So does this mean.. More

  • Touching condensed water on beer can

    If Iaccidentlytouch a cold can of beer in a store and the condensation of the can leaves water on my hand even though the can is unopened and the water is the water that accumulated on the outside of the can from the temperature of the fridge, do I have to wash my hands from this, or should I leave it alone as it is just condensation on the can given.. More

  • Purity of slip agents used in plastic bags

    Assalaamu alaykum. I recently found out that many plastic bags (and other plastics) contain 'slip agents' that are made from rendered animal fat. Does that mean that they are impure? And are we spreading impurityby touching wet plastic? May Allaah reward you. .. More