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1451 fatwas

  • Ruling on offering two Rak‘ahs after Ghusl

    Is there a specific supplication to be said when making Ghusl (shower taken for major purification) from menstruation or post-partum bleeding? Should a woman offer two Rak‘ahs (units of prayer) in order to thank Allaah Almighty for attaining purity? May Allaah Almighty reward you. .. More

  • Bacterial growth on private parts is not an impurity

    Assalamualaikum. I want to know that sometimes there occurs whitish spots on one's private part, especially in hot weather hair shafts of scrotum of men develops whitish colony of bacteria known as trichomycosis pubis, I m obsessed with any such thng found near my private parts and feels impure unless I take a ritual bath? I have OCD, your answer and.. More

  • Dry impurity does not render impure dry pure items that contact it

    If a small, hard piece of human feces falls on a carpet without leaving any visible traces, and the carpet has been vacuumed many times afterwards, will it be permissible to pray on it? What if someone walked on said carpet with dry feet or socks? And if he/she continued to walk on another carpet after this, will it be permissible to pray on the second.. More

  • It suffices to wipe head from front to back in Wudhoo’

    Asalamu 'alaykum....(1) Is it sufficient to wipe the head from front to back only (not from back to front again) while doing wudu? (2) Is there any problem to wash the feet with the both hands simultaneously while doing wudu? .. More

  • Wady must discontinue before Wudhoo’ if discharges last 10 minutes

    The waswas of the satan affect me in the way that I have to pee before every prayer for example it is 12:59 I do not have to pee and when I hear the adhan at 13:00 I auttomaticly have to pee just because of my mind.The urge then is not the same as for example i wake up in the morning and i normally have to pee(like every body else).I think you know.. More

  • Watching videos in the bathroom

    assalaamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh, Is it haram to listen to music and watch shows on the phone on the toilet or in the shower? .. More

  • Impurity is transferred through dampness from any liquid, not just water

    As-salaamu 3laikum. Is impurity transferred by oil/gel or just by wetness? If I have oil on my hand and I touch a dry impurity/ an impurity that can't be seen, does my hand become impure? Jazaakum Allahu khair .. More

  • Prostatic fluid, like urine, can be purified with stones

    I know that urine can be cleaned with tissues. Is this also true for wadi? Or is it that wadi must be washed with water? If it has to be washed with water, then if is washed directly with water, then the drops flying from that washing would certainly be naajis, but if we first clean it with tissues and then wash, would the drops which then fly from.. More

  • Tayammum not permissible if hair loss from Wudhoo’ feared

    Assalamu alaikumI have a question.I suffer from darndruff, and i have thin hair, and because of that my hair is vulnerable to breakage the problem is when i take wudu, i have to wipe my head with water, and when i do that i see some hair fall out, and when i have to do this 5 times a day, a lot of hair is falling out, so the question is, can i take.. More

  • She left the place of IV injection unwashed in Wudhoo’

    I was planned for an emergency cesarean,so they gave me iv (drips) and an injection in my hand ,and i decided to pray isha before the doctor could begin the while making wudhu i didnt wet a portion of my hand where they have stuck the needle for iv and on the spot where they my wudhu and salah valid or should i repeat my salah.. More

  • Eggs with small drops of blood are pure

    Assalamu Alaikum. Sometime we find a small amount of blood spots inside the egg. Do we need to remove that (as blood is haram) or can we eat the egg with those blood spots? Jazakallah Khair. .. More

  • Renewing Wudhoo’ for the Ishraaq prayer

    Would it be sunnah to make new wudu for salaat al ishraaq when staying in the mosque after fajr? Or is the hadith about new wudu for every prayer only about the five obligatory prayers? I am interested in the opinions of the four school of thoughts. .. More

  • Difference between the woman's Maniyy and other yellow secretions

    Asalamu 'aleykum. First i want to thank you for your efforts in Dawah and spreading the truh. May Allah bless you and gove you Ikhlaas.I have a question regarding the womens maniy. It is said in an authentic narration, that the women has a reproductive fluid that is yellow. Modern science has proven, taat the ovum is surrounded by a yellow substance.. More

  • Washing spot licked by a dog according to the Hanafi Mathhab

    If a dog licks me and I am in a state of janabah will ghusl removed the impurity or do I need to do a separate washing to get rid of it.Also if the dog licked me but I became junub will ghusl be ok to remove the impurity even if I didn't wash off the impurity earlier?>( Only asking according to hanafi madhaab) .. More

  • Wasteful use of water in ablution is disliked

    As-salaamu 3laikum, The taps which we have in our house have to be turned on and off manually. When wiping the head and ears in ablution, can you wet your hand, turn the tap off and then wipe, or should you leave the tap running? And when you are washing the other parts in wudu, should you leave the tap running or not? As it is difficult to turn the.. More