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1451 fatwas

  • Ruling on discharges from the breasts other than milk

    Is the discharge from the breast ( other than milk ) impure ? Does it make the cloths impure ? Is there any hadith to show that it invalidate the wudu ? .. More

  • Performing ablution while applying Kohl to the eyes

    As-salaamu 3laikum, I read your fatwa that kohl which has a thickness must be removed before wudu whereas kohl which only leaves a trace does not have to be removed. I think that the kohl I use is of the second type because if I wash it, it smears and some of it is washed away, but how can I be sure? Secondly, I only use kohl on the inside of my eyes,.. More

  • Ghusl without intention is invalid

    At night at sleep i had ejaculation. Then i fell asleep again. Then i forgot about it. I took a usual bath without intention to do ghusl. Some time passed, maybe two weeks, maybe more, i don't know exactly. Then i suddenly remembred about this. So all the prayers since that time were done in the state of janaabah (i am not married so i don't take ghusl.. More

  • Ruling on the purity of a liquid if a dead house gecko falls into it

    Assalamu alaikum. Is a dead lizard(the small ones found in the houses), ant, mosquito and other insects najis? Is the dung/feces of one of these animals najis?If the dung/feces of a lizard is najis and it fell on a rice(about to be cooked) with water(less than or about half a liter) then how can I clean it?or do I have to throw away the rice? I have.. More

  • Completing the prayer if its due time expires for one who suffers urinary incontinence

    If a person who makes wudhu for each prayer due to incontinence wakes up late or gets delayed by dealing with their sickness and manages to catch 1 rakat or more before the sun rises (in the case of Fajr) should they complete the prayer once the sun rises or is their wudhu invalidated as soon as the sun rises? What should a person in this situation.. More

  • Menstruation is not a shame in Islam

    Menstruation has become a stigma in our society, I wanted to know if it is a cultural aspect or does Islam prohibit the mentioning of menstruation. For example, girls and women have to hide their sanitary napkins and bring them in to their rooms when no one is watching, they have to pretend they are fasting in their homes while they are menstruating.. More

  • What is meant by ‘when both the circumcised parts meet’

    There is a hadith narrated by Ayesha that says that ghusl following sexual intercourse becomes obligatory when both the circumcised parts meet. Doesn't this mean that female circumcision is obligatory? .. More

  • Mathy is impure and invalidates ablution

    please answer me and dont refer me to other posts i heard that if madhy the size of a dirham or 2.75cm less comes out that it doesnt invalidate wudu nor do you have to wash it even though its better. can you clarify. .. More

  • The emission of Maniyy is not often preceded by the discharge of Mathy

    salamun alaykum.may Allah reward you.pls sheikh I believed that maniyy but I know of the controversy on mazyi.but it is known that mazyi proceed or comes before maniyy.will it not be logical to obligate the washing of dress affected by maniyy and considered the dress impure due to the presence of mazyi.pls I need clarification for the confusion I am.. More

  • Ruling on having obsessive doubts about ritual impurity

    Assalamu alaikkum, I was laying down on a piece of thick sheet made of cotton. The underwear I was wearing was already impure with a few drops of urine and madhiy. I didn't change it as I have problem of madhiy and thought of changing it during prayer. But I had ejaculation and when I notice the thin cloth I was covered with is totally wet and also.. More

  • Performing Tayammum if one fears missing the prayer while fetching water for purification

    salamun alaykum.may Allah bless you.dear Sheikh I read in hadith that during battle of khandaq the prophet peace be upon him did not have opportunity to pray asr in its due time till nearly sunset then he performed ablution and prayed it after can I reconcile this with scholars statement that if you fear time will be over you have to perform.. More

  • Ruling on using bones of edible animals

    My friend has a tooth missing and needs dental work on it but needs some grafting which means they have to use cow bone to build the bone. Can you use this in islam or not? .. More

  • Permissibility of doing Istijmaar upon discharging Mathy

    Essalam alaykoum dear cheiks, In your answer to my question :" can we do istijmar for madhi", you say that it was possible. But I read in a hadith that we have to wash with water the penis and testicles when madhi comes out. How can we join these two things? Barakallahou fikoum .. More

  • Blood discharge during Ghusl requires new Wudhoo' before prayer

    I have been having irregular bleeding for a few months due to taking an injection called Depo-Provera (a form of contraception). I think most of the time this blood came out when doing ghusl. I just found out that anything that comes out of the rear during ghusl nulifies wudu. I didn't know this and I did my salah after taking proper ghusl without renewing.. More

  • Maximum and minimum period of menstruation

    Salam Alaikum I had my period on 4/13/2014. that time I was taking birth control pills.on the 4/23/2014 I had the paraguard iud inserted.4/25/2014 I started to bleed for 5 days and I did not pray.after that I took ashower and I satred to pray but on 5/10/2014 i started to beed again. my question is : is that a period or not. what to do. thank you .. More