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1452 fatwas

  • Maximum and minimum period of menstruation

    Salam Alaikum I had my period on 4/13/2014. that time I was taking birth control pills.on the 4/23/2014 I had the paraguard iud inserted.4/25/2014 I started to bleed for 5 days and I did not pray.after that I took ashower and I satred to pray but on 5/10/2014 i started to beed again. my question is : is that a period or not. what to do. thank you .. More

  • She doubts that she made Ghusl the right time after menstruation

    As-salaamu 3laikum, I was brought up by non-Muslim parents so I never learned how to check the end of my menstrual period. When I reverted to Islam I learned that it is necessary to do ghusl before praying after the end of the period but I used to think that the period ended when you didn't see any more blood coming out onto the sanitary towel. One.. More

  • Small objects block water from touching skin in ablution

    I have asked question number 2483313 which I again asked in question number 2483604 so that you may understand it well. But I think I am not able to present my point properly. You said that "it is not an obligation to remove any of the hair in order to make water reach the skin underneath it, but if a person knows that part of his body was not reached.. More

  • She suspects that she fasted during menstruation

    As-salaamu 3laikum, I used to have a problem determining the end of my period because I didn't have a white discharge or complete dryness. I used to have a discharge more or less all the time between periods. I used to calculate the end according to a method I had seen in a fatwa based on having 15 days purity between every period and distinguishing.. More

  • Istijmaar for purification from Mathy

    Essalam alaykoum, I know that it is permissible to do istinja or istijmar or using water and paper in the same time. In fact, I want to know if when we have done istinja (with water) ant then, for example after 5 minutes, if we want to urinate or defecate again and if there is no water, it is permissible to do istijmar whereas the parts are still humids?.. More

  • Leaving a spot on the body unwashed in Ghusl from Janaabah

    I have been performing ghusl for almost a year, but one thing i recently realized is that i forgot to wash a small part of my body during ghusl for all these months. Does that mean I have to repeat my prayers that i prayed over the last several months? Please note that Allah has not laid any hardship in religion for us, and that it would be difficult.. More

  • Washing the beard in Ghusl according to the Hanbali school

    salaam aleikoum dear ustad, If one does ghusl for janabah in hanbali point of view. How do hanabilah judge a beard to be thin or thick? If we say some parts of the beard is thin then we are obliged to wash the skin beneath, is it enough to ensure that the water reaches the skin or does one must do tagleel? Or is tagleel only a method but the goal namely.. More

  • No need to remove small blood clots that form on wounds for Wudhoo'

    I want to know that if a part of my body is cut and the blood is clotted by Blood Platilates over it and then underneath that small amount of clot my skin is healed completely by the course of time,do i have to remove that clot by scratching or wait until it falls all by itself?Also i think u r not familiar with this phenomena. if skin hairs curl up.. More

  • The saliva of non-Muslims is ritually pure unless proven otherwise

    I am a student studying in Uk. I suffer from OCD but my condition has intensified and my suffering increased ever since I arrived here because I suspect the cleanness (tahara) of the saliva of non-Muslims. The problem is that when I buy anything, the cashier wets his/her finger with their saliva to open the plastic bag, which makes me suspect the cleanness.. More

  • Incontinence of both anal discharge and Mathy

    As salamu alaykum I read in one of the fatwas here that if after performing istinja one finds a trace in his back private part he is affected with incontinence I have recently found out that I have this and it lasts for 10 hours then it stops completely until the time I go bathroom again. I am also affected with another incontinence which is excessive.. More

  • Using markers that contain alcohol

    al—Salam.Please forgive my grammatical mistakes. I am studying landscape architecture and maker pens which contain alcohol are commonly used. I konw drinking is absolutely forbidden.But can we use products like soaps、perfumes or maker pens which contain alcohol? It was narrated from Jabir bin 'Abdullah that he heard the Messenger of.. More

  • Making Wudhoo' from the water of a bathtub into which one immersed himself

    Salam aleikum sheikh. I would like to ask one question insha allah. Sometimes when i take shower. I make water inside the tub and after i sleep in the water for maybe ten min and after that i make wudu with the same water what i was making shower with. Is it allowed or does that water count as dirty water and do i have to take new water for to make.. More

  • The wisdom of male circumcision

    Assalaamu Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh In response to your fatwa a non-muslim asked a following question : “Circumcision does cause harm ... it removes the most sensitive portions of the penis. It causes nerve damage. It removes the natural gliding action of the penis. If Allah knows best, why put the.. More

  • She sees dry blood particles outside her regular menses

    Asak. I had caesarian 5 months back and got periods without pause and i m feeding.. i see tiny dry blood particles outside periods with dryness. Not immediately after periods but after a week or so...also my last period came after 2 months n lasted for more than usual cycle. Before delivery i used to see them 3-4 prior to onset of regular cycle, along.. More

  • Her husband badly needs a job but it requires shaving his beard

    Salam alaikum My husband quit a halal job he had for years as it does not allow beard due to the job requirement to wear gas mask. We took our children's out of Islamic school and used our saving to get him to truck job. We lose our hse in the process as we are unable to keep payment. The truck driving job takes him away from home for weeks. But able.. More