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1452 fatwas

  • Urinating in the bathtub while washing

    I remember urinating in the bath tub I then washed myself. I think the water was running so all the urine would have gone down the drain even if I did not left the water running I think I still opened the water. I think this would have washed my feet which I think I washed afterwards anyway. I don't think I saw any traces of urine left and don't think.. More

  • (Im)purity of dry blood inside the nose

    salaam aleikoum shaykh, What to do when blood dries up into a crust in wudoo? If one has blood crusts in his nose, should he wash his hands after sniffing up water into his nose before washing his whole face because of these crusts or al the blood crusts (including left-over blood in little amount) excuses/pardoned because of 7araj? wassalaam .. More

  • Pouring water over body more than 3 times in Ghusl

    Assalaamu alaykum,when bathing ghusl,does the water from the shower have to flow on your rigtht and leftside body three times or it can be done even more than three times,please advice me jazakAllahu .. More

  • When teeth bleeding necessitates washing mouth

    salaam aleikoum dear shaykh, Many times when I use a stick to clean my teeth in the car they bleed, then i get veru distressed because blood is najis. Can I get rid of this blood by spitting it out and then it's taahir/clean or it it required that I first go to a bathroom and clean it with water to not extend the najasah with is in my mouth? jazaka.. More

  • She has whispers about the purity of a pair of shoes

    asslam u alikum i wore my husband shoes a long time ago and i think my feet were not pure at that time.after that i put those shoes out inthe rain to get washed and put them back.i thought to myself that i would wash them later.yesterday i saw my husband wearing those shoes out in the rain.the problem is i dont remeber if those shoes were really dirty.. More

  • Plucking the hair that grows on a facial mole

    Assalamo alikum All praise be to ALLAH brother i have a mole on my face.Am i allowed to pluck its hair or does hair on mole come under facial hair and beard which ofcourse muslims are not allowed to cut.actually it looks kind of ugly with hair on mole and prophet(SAW) said "ALLAH is beautiful and he loves beauty".hence i am not sure whether i should.. More

  • She gets mini periods after hysterectomy

    Aoa, my name is Sadia Erfan and Im from UK. I had A surgery called " Subtotal abdominal hysterectomy ( of uterus )". I had a prolapsed uterus since my first daughter was born 13 years ago. So uterus was taken out and the neck of the uterus was repaired via "Sacrocolpopexy". At the time of the surgery doctors told me my periods would stop. But after.. More

  • His wife's bleeding resumed after he had intercourse with her

    Assalamu Alaikkum, My wife had bleeding(its like menustration) very earlier than (14 days) her period time and after two days its stopped and she did bath same day evening we had intercourse night but unfortunately bleeding started next day now we are worrying is it sin we did sex with out waiting more days ? if its sin what is the compensation for.. More

  • It is safer to clean urine drops with water than with a dry tissue

    asslam u alikum sometimes while using bathroom ,small urine drops get on the edge of the commode which i clean with dry tissue.after istinja my wet thigh touches the same spot which i have cleaned with dry tissue. plz tell me if my thigh is pure.this thing is causing me to worry.thanks .. More

  • The adornment of the believer will reach the places where the water of Wudhoo' reaches

    salamun alaykum.dear sheikh,what is the meaning of the hadith that state that the adorment of a believer will reaches the limit of his ablution.may Allah reward and bless you .. More

  • Ruling on Mani in the Hanafi school of Fiqh

    Is Mani pure (Paak) according to the Hanfi? .. More

  • Temporary cessation of blood within menses is not purity

    Assalmualicum, I got my menses at least 8 days prior to my regular schedule. 2-3 days before the period, I saw some red stuff with the toilet paper while wiping off after using the bathroom but nothing on my clothes. I thought this must not be the period since my period is pretty regular. I also continued praying and also had relationship with my husband,.. More

  • She is not certain whether her menses started during Tawaaf or Sa'i

    Respected Sheikh Assalam oalaikum Few days back i asked you a question regarding menses during umrah,u directed me to another question which i was unable to understand my actual question is that my wife did not know when her menses started either during tawaaf or saayi. she noticed it only when she reached one of my relatives house in Holy Makkah. What.. More

  • Ruling on using denatured alcohol

    aslm alkm i saw about denatured alcohol in ur site...actually this denatured alcohol is that which is not consumable bcoz of the addition of certain chemicals in ethanol which causes intoxicity...and so denatured alcohol wonnt cause any type of intoxicity....but u told that if the denatured alcohol causes intoxicity prior to the addition of chemicals.. More

  • A nursing mother may have a period

    i am breastfeding my 8 month son so was having no periods at all,last month i fitted coil and now i am facing irregular blood said that its not mensis but spotting might remains 4 two more months.its just a spot a day and then no spot next day then again spots appears next day,should i offer namaz,please help,as am very confused its.. More