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I heard that we have to make expiation if we passed in front of someone who is praying. Is this true? May Allaah The Almighty Reward you the best. .. More
I live in a non-Muslim country. It so happened that I was in the street and feared missing the prayer time so I made Tayammum (i.e. ablution using earth) and performed the ‘Asr (i.e. afternoon) prayer while sitting. What is the Sharee‘ah ruling? May Allaah The Almighty Reward you... More
I was offering the first Rak ‘ah of the Friday prayer and, while the Imaam was reciting Al-Faatihah, there was a boy standing next to me. Much to my surprise, the boy fell on his face unconscious. The weather was very hot so I found myself obliged to make Tasleem and stop my prayer. I carried the boy out of the mosque and tried to get him to recover.. More
Is it permissible to make Tasleem only once at the end of the prayer by saying "As-Salaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullaah" only once? May Allaah Reward you.
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I love prayer but I feel distressed when I pray. This makes me abandon prayer for a while and then return to it again. What shall I do and what is the ruling of Islam regarding this case?
May Allah The Almighty Reward you the best.
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pls i want to know if i don't pronounce the throat letters (ayin and ghayn) in fatiha,tashahuud (first and last),tasbeeh and tahmeed (sami Allahu liman hamidah) in salah,will it invalidate my salah. it's really frustrating because i don't always get the pronounciation well.i listen to recitations and i try to get it right but it's still the same.pls.. More
Salaam Alaikum Shaikh, I have 3 questions, Is it permissible to call righteous people who have passed away as Marhoom? And my second question is, when praying funeral for woman should one make dua saying "And give her spouse better than of this world"? And Shaikh, If one sneezes in Salah (prayer), can he say "Alhamdulillah"? Jazaak ALLAHU Khair... More
Assalamu alaykum, when you are praying and you recite sura al-fatihah, then you has started to recite an ayah, but then you think you has not recitetd the previous ayah correctly and therefore you return to the previous ayah and you recite it again. Have you thereby added something to the prayer which is not a part of it and so you have to do.. More
Assalamou Alaikoum, My friend had this question. He is a customer service repesentative and shares his cubicle with other people. He said there is no space to perform his salat in the office and also he has to answer the phone the whole day. his question is this. Can he perfom his salat while sitting down on his chair?.. More
dear brothers, I am a 22 year male. Around 2 years ago I was in my uncle's house and when the time of maghrib came one of my cousins who is a female and I prayed maghrib salah in the same room. Though we prayed separately and not in jamaat, we were standing next to each other. She is 3 years older than me. Was the prayer valid? If not what should I.. More
Dear Brother, Assalamu Alykum. I imagine Kaaba in front of me while in the Salah in order to avoid absent minded thinking. Is it permissible?.. More
salaam. i am 22 years and workin in a private office. i start my work at 9:30 in the mornin and take a break at 2:00 till 3:30. my question is, is it ok if i go home durin my break time and do my prayers or shud i be going home right on time to do the prayers? .. More
do we have to say assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah each time at the end of a congregational prayer or the imam saying it suffices one from saying it?.. More
Is it right to kill an ant while on Salaah?.. More
Is it sunnah for a person to sit put, not moving away at all from his point of prayer on termination of the Salaah?.. More
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