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I help my children in learning the Quran, but when I perform supererogatory fasting I am prevented from teaching them, so is it better for me to teach my children or to observe supererogatory fasting?
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Why is verse 88 from chapter 11 mentioned only once in the Quran?.. More
When and where was the Quran printed for the first time with printers?.. More
I work in multimedia and montage, so is it permissible for me to draw verses of the Quran on painting boards, which explain the occurrences of the Day of Judgement, as in the saying of Allaah (which means): {When the sun is wound round and its light is lost and is overthrown. And when the stars fall, dispersing…} [Quran 81:1-2]? Then I comment under.. More
Some very small copies of the Quran were distributed; they are only useful as a way of beautification. They contain some verses like verse 255 from chapter two, and some other verses while this verse is repeated. On one page there is verse 255 from chapter two and some other pages contains some other verses. Is it permissible to distribute such copies?.. More
Is Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem, (In the name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Ever Merciful), a verse from the Quran?.. More
My question is a different one. Whenever I suddenly (not intentionally) listen to a recitation of the Quran or other spiritual calls/talks, then I feel a brief vibration on my left ear (sometimes on my shoulder). Why is this? It begun since I was 16, now I am 29... More
My question is, I want to go to the mosque to learn the Quran, but the lessons are during the day when my husband is at work so he cannot take me. The mosque is 20 minutes away or shorter by bus. Is at Halaal for me to go by myself? Considering my husband allows me to go shopping by myself to buy food, etc., for the house. He says that shopping.. More
I'm a student. I have headache if I doesn't recite Qur'an and specially the Surah Al-Ghashiyah (Surah no.88), I have this since last week. When I heard its recitation for the first time I really liked this Surah and started to by-heart it and I'll recite it daily at least 3 times. And now it happens that if I don't recite it then I don't feel.. More
I read somewhere that Imaam Shaafi'ee used to finish reading the whole Qur'aan 60 times during Ramadan. This means that he used to finish it twice a day. This is practically impossible if one is reading the proper way. Moreover, The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said that whoever reads it in less than 3 days will not be able to grasp.. More
If there is a Muslim person does not read Quran because he/she is not Arabian, is that influence his/her believes in a bad way. .. More
In one of the books, that it read regularly in the mosques, it is written, without any supporting evidence, "that the person who memorizes the Holy Qur'aan will intercede for ten of his family members on the Day of Resurrection, all of whom deserved to enter Hell."
The above contradicts the Holy Qur'aan 31:33. Could you please clarify and let me.. More
We are an Islamic center in Canada that plan on having a contest about the Noble Quran during the month of Ramadan, InshaAllah, and it will be in the following form: Printing the contest booklet and selling it to participants at a nominal price.
Spending the price of the booklets on the costs of the contest (e.g. printing, prizes, etc) Spending.. More
If we have an exam we should study. Can we study for exam instead of reading Holy Qur'an or should we say our prayer very quickly for the sake of exam?.. More
If you die without memorizing the Quran, do you go to hell?
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