What is the ruling of sending the Salawaat of Allaah The Almighty upon the household of the Prophet or upon two of his children, or upon any other person? For instance, a person may pray for Allaah to exalt the mention of Imaam ‘Ali or his parents or any other person. .. More
Assalaamu ‘Alaykum, Is it permissible to say, “May Allaah exalt his/her mention” after mentioning ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib, Faatimah Az-Zahraa’, Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn? Thank you. .. More
Asalam Alaikum. I wouuld like to know whether it is halal or haram to ask Allah (swt) to be punished in this life (on earth) rather than the hereafter (judgement day). In addition, by punishment i mean whether you can ask Allah to make you suffer through a certain diease or etc. Thi question has been lingering in my mind for a couple of years.. More
Assalamu 'alaykum Respected Shaikh, My question to you is, is there any darud called as darud e jinni? The darud is supposed to be this (as said by a local scholar here): Allahumma Salli 'ala Sayyidina wa Moulana Muhammad wa 'ala Salihil Muminil Jin. This darud, as reported by the Scholar, was recited often by the Prophet (PBUH), is that true? Reciting.. More
A/alaikum, my question is regarding the zikr: LA ILAHA ILLAHU, WAHDAHU LA SHARIKA LAHU, LAHUL MULKU WA LAHUL HAMDU, WA HUWA 'ALA KULLI SHAY'IN QADIR. Is the phrase YUHYI WA YU MITU before ...WA HUWA ALA KULLI SHAY'IN QADIR authentic. Ma'assalam,.. More
What are the lawful means by which a believer can please Allaah the Almighty and ask Him to give him what he wants, whether the provision of good or protection from evil? Please provide me with an evidence-supported answer. .. More
There is a Muslim sister who becomes extremely anxious and starts to cry whenever she passes by an impure area or a place where there are magicians. What is the interpretation of this, given that there are no symptoms of black magic apparent on her?.. More
How Authentic is Dua-e-Gunjal Arsh? If it is authentic, can you please provide us the reference(s)... More
Assalamu'alaykum Do reading “Laa Ilaha ….. Qadeer” kalma 100 times in a day keeps safety from shaytaan, whole day and night or whole day only? Assalamu'alaykum.. More
Salaam Alaykum Sheikh, There is a hadith which states: The Prophet said: "There is one hour on Friday in which a Muslim does not ask Allah for anything but He gives it to him." (Reported by Muslim.) Long time ago when I was a child my father told me about this and further said that one has to repeatedly ask ALLAH (سبحانه و تعالى) and.. More
What is the meaning of the following supplication, "O Allaah, I seek refuge in Your Greatness that I may be attacked from below"?.. More
I want to know the meaning of the Hadeeth that includes the Prophet's Du‘aa’ (supplication), "Allaahumma innaa na‘oothu bika min jahd al-balaa’ wa darak ash-shaqaa’". I would like a brief explanation of this Du‘aa’. Thank you... More
Would you please explain to me the Hadeeth in which it is mentioned that Satan whispers to a mouse to turn over the lamp on its head, so as to burn the house down? Why does Satan not do it himself? Also, could you please tell me about the morphology of the Jinn? .. More
While having intercourse with wife, can we thanks Allah pronouncing Alhamdulillah. Can we intercourse with wife @ the time between Fajr &Ishraq (sunrise) and between Asr & Maghreeb prayers. .. More
Asalamualaikum Wa Rakhmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.. Brother first of all i would like to sincerley apologise to you.. i thought that i did not recieve all of my answers to the questions i had asked you. (Sorry). Secondly.. Do you know of any duas taht can be read or anything like that which is written in the Qur'aan that can improve the barakat in our household... More
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