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362 fatwas

  • Wudhoo’ is required for Mathy before prayer

    If madhiy and Wadhiy is emitted, I know that it is sufficient to wash the private parts and body (if it gets onto it), sprinkle water on clothes (if it gets on them) and do wudoo. Do we have to do wudoo as part of purification and at the same time we washed our private parts or does it mean that madhiy invalidates wudhoo so in order to purify ourselves.. More

  • Wudhoo’ with dental veneers is valid

    Salam would wudu still be valid if one has veneers on their teeth as I have heard that when rinsing the mouth during wudu, it is only compulsory that the water touches the soft fleshy parts of the mouth and so veneers covering the teeth would not invalidate wudu? jzk .. More

  • Rinsing mouth during Wudhoo’ is achieved by the slightest movement of water in the mouth

    Most of the time during the day I have white coating on my tongue unless I clean it by brushing it with tooth powder. I'm not sure when I do wudu if this coating is a barrier and is stopping the water to touch the tongue. Even if i do brush some of it off there is still some left at the back of the tongue which is hard for me to brush, as it makes me.. More

  • Intention is a condition for the validity of Wudhoo'

    Assalam aleykum. My question is, where does the idea come from that one must have an intention to preform ablution for it to be valid? What is the proof? Thank you. P.S. -------------------- Because of the idea of intention i now must to redo many past prayers which are turn out to be invalid. But i would like to understand why first. I have asked this.. More

  • Statements of scholars about removal of dead skin for purification

    As salaamu alaykum, In this fatwa: It states that scholars said that dead skin which is attached to the living skin must be removed. Can you give a quote from a scholar or fiqh book? Or is the opinion of islamweb himself? Was salaam. .. More

  • Ruling on wearing 'breathable' nail polish during ablution

    Asa-almulaykum There is a new product on the market – “breathable nail polish” What is the vedict on this? Can one use it? Will it be accepted, will our wudhu be accepted? Will we be punished if we die with it on? Wa-alykum asalaam .. More

  • Ruling on men and women performing ablution together

    Assalam aleykum warahmatullahi. Can you clarify this hadith? Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: "During the lifetime of Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) men and women used to perform ablution together." Sahih al-Bukhari: Book 4, Hadith 59 Thank you .. More

  • Removing dead skin still attached to the body

    wa alaykum salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, i received a answer on question nr: 2512616 by email. i realy still dont understand what you mean, how is it possible that dead skin that seperates from the body is still attached to the skin?? why is it that the scholars i asked in the example of my said no need to remove??? i.e. circles of fungal these.. More

  • Whispers about dead skin causing Wudhoo’ to be incorrect

    As salamu 'alaikum, Thank you to everyone envovled in this great work and for your patience in answering all the questions. Regarding question no.2515257, which I previously asked. I am sorry for not making my question more clear. What I should have asked is you say that "dead skin invalidates wudu". But can you explain properly what the scholars mean.. More

  • Performing ablution while applying Kohl to the eyes

    As-salaamu 3laikum, I read your fatwa that kohl which has a thickness must be removed before wudu whereas kohl which only leaves a trace does not have to be removed. I think that the kohl I use is of the second type because if I wash it, it smears and some of it is washed away, but how can I be sure? Secondly, I only use kohl on the inside of my eyes,.. More

  • Completing the prayer if its due time expires for one who suffers urinary incontinence

    If a person who makes wudhu for each prayer due to incontinence wakes up late or gets delayed by dealing with their sickness and manages to catch 1 rakat or more before the sun rises (in the case of Fajr) should they complete the prayer once the sun rises or is their wudhu invalidated as soon as the sun rises? What should a person in this situation.. More

  • Blood discharge during Ghusl requires new Wudhoo' before prayer

    I have been having irregular bleeding for a few months due to taking an injection called Depo-Provera (a form of contraception). I think most of the time this blood came out when doing ghusl. I just found out that anything that comes out of the rear during ghusl nulifies wudu. I didn't know this and I did my salah after taking proper ghusl without renewing.. More

  • Small objects block water from touching skin in ablution

    I have asked question number 2483313 which I again asked in question number 2483604 so that you may understand it well. But I think I am not able to present my point properly. You said that "it is not an obligation to remove any of the hair in order to make water reach the skin underneath it, but if a person knows that part of his body was not reached.. More

  • No need to remove small blood clots that form on wounds for Wudhoo'

    I want to know that if a part of my body is cut and the blood is clotted by Blood Platilates over it and then underneath that small amount of clot my skin is healed completely by the course of time,do i have to remove that clot by scratching or wait until it falls all by itself?Also i think u r not familiar with this phenomena. if skin hairs curl up.. More

  • Incontinence of both anal discharge and Mathy

    As salamu alaykum I read in one of the fatwas here that if after performing istinja one finds a trace in his back private part he is affected with incontinence I have recently found out that I have this and it lasts for 10 hours then it stops completely until the time I go bathroom again. I am also affected with another incontinence which is excessive.. More