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Sometimes I forget to recite Al-Faatihah before the short Surah so I recite it afterwards. Is this permissible? If not, what should I do if it occurred?.. More
The Imaam in the second Rak‘ah of Maghrib prayer did not recite a Surah after Al-Faatihah and then he bowed and prostrated normally. After the third Rak‘ah, the Imaam ended his prayer with Tasleem without performing Sujood as-Sahw. We asked the Imaam to perform Sujood as-Sahw but he told us that there was no need for it. He informed us that he deliberatel.. More
If i recite mistakenly Sura Fathiha instead of Aththahiyath or If I recite mistakenly Aththahiyath instead of Sura Fathiha, what should I do? In this situation do I have to do "Sajadha Shah" or Do I have to repeat my prayer again? And if this situation happened when I do Imamadh what I have to do?
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I was made to lead a magrib prayer and forgot to do tashahud at the end of second rakh. One of the followers said "subhanallah" while I was already on standing for the third rakah.I could not come down to do it. At the end of third rakah, I did tashahud & afterwhich stood for another rakah. But at the end of it all I did sujud bahdi. Is this prayer.. More
After the Imaam offered Tasleem twice at the end of the prayer, he performed two prostrations of forgetfulness, then he offered Tasleem once only to the right side. Is what he did correct?.. More
Once an Imaam forgot something in the prayer. He made Tasleem and then performed the prostration of forgetfulness. Some worshippers missed a part of the prayer so, when he made Tasleem, those who joined the prayer late stood up to complete their prayer without following him in the prostration of forgetfulness. Some others prostrated with him and when.. More
Assalamu alaikum, what's about a muslim who is affected with waswasah and when he prays he is repeatedly absent-minded and even when he makes sujood as-sahw he is sometimes confused and doubts whether he has prostrated once or twice in sujood as-sahw. What should he do in this case when he doubts in sujood as-sahw? Once he was absent-minded in sujood.. More
assalam alaikum. i prayed dhuhr and realised that i did not make 1/2 tashahud while i was making the final tashahud . I made Taslim, and then i made sajood as-sahu. Later I told another sister who was praying near me what i had done. She said i should have done the sajood as - sahu before taslim . so now my prayer was in correct , and i had to repeat.. More
As salamu aleykum,
If one concludes his salaat with the taslim, but he doubts that he has done 1sajdah to less in the last rakaat, what does he need to do?
Should he made 1 sajdah after the taslim en dan make tashahhud and taslim again, then make 2 sajdahs of sahw and then tashahhud and taslim again ?
Thus in the last rakaat he would make 5 sajdahs,.. More
what should a person do if he joins the prayer when the imaam has alredy finished one rakat and at the end the person forgets that he had missed one rakat and finishes the salaah with the imaam, does he have to repeat the whole salaah or not?.. More
How can I terminate my prayer if I realise that I made a mistake? .. More
Assalamu alaikum. I was praying Asr in jama'ah in a shopping mall in a Muslim country which is predominantly Shafi'i. After the 2nd rakah, the imam sat but forgot to recite the Tashahud. He stood right up and despite people saying, "Subhanallah", he carried on with the third rak'ah and completed the prayer. I assumed he would do the sujud as-sahu before.. More
As salamu aleykum, What is the proof of the Hanafi Fiqh of school of giving only one taslim to the right side before performing sajdah sahw? Was salaam.. More
As-salamu alaykum. I was leading the salah in which I should have recited surah Fatihah out loud e.g. fajr, maghrib or isha. However, by mistake, I recited to myself in silence. I don't recall now if I completed the recitation of Surat al-Fatihah in silence or whether I only recited part of it. I then realised my error and recited out loud from the.. More
asalam o alikum I know how to do sajda sahu within the namaz.But sometimes when i am about to finish namaz ,in the last rakats like the last rakat of zuhar,asar or maghrib etc.i forgot a surah or something and i did sajda sahu after salam like I said my salams on both shoulders,then i sat and said tashhood and then salam on right shoulder and then.. More
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