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asslamu alaikum. im from a western country so we have to import sheikhs from other countries. we have got one sheikh from India and well he is a great speaker excellent i would say, he knows arabic and understands the quran, he did not memorize the quran however he knows some surahs and ayats which he recites evry now and then. However when he leads.. More
Salaam. Is it mandatory for the Muazin to repeat or echo the Imam at each point on Salaat after the Iqamat has been made? Jazakumullah Khaeran.. More
Assalam Alaekum. Our office has only 1 designated prayer room for Muslims. I would like to know, if this room can be shared with our Muslim brothers. Thank you very much.
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Assalamu'alaykum Warahmatullahiwabarakatuh Shaykh, had Prophet Muhammad Sallahu'alayhiwasallam prayed anytime any salah in the back of any companion(i.e. companion as prayer imaam). Assalamu'alaykum Warahmatullahiwabarakatuh.. More
Assalamualykum wa rahmattullahi wa barakathahu. Can i perform salat alone immedately after athan in a masjid before Ekamath?some times i cant wait till the time of jumah due to work pressure and timings of my transport.Please advice Regards khan.. More
Salam is it permissible to offer salah behind a imam whom you see committing sinful things at work place.The acts vary from not discharging their duty sincierly means taking salary for nothing to going behind female patients with wrong intentions .act clealy violating islamic teachings and then lead fardh prayers .How can i pray behind such a person.. More
AsalamoAlikum Actually I sent a question on similar issue but did not get a complete answer( I was referred to answer to similar question). I Request brothers to answer me on this. I got cleared from Islamweb that praying behind Ahnaf is allowed but even after this permission there is a big issue. Ahnafs do not join their feets during qayaam in congregation.. More
Are those Imams true Muslims who in their supplications ask Allah to forgive them for the sake of Mohammed (pbuh). Is it not like treating Mohammed (pbuh) as a partner in the power of Allah? Will congregational prayers behind such mushrik-like Imams be valid?.. More
Can people pray kaza(delay) prayer in Jamaat(together by someone is Imam)? It means Maghrib time is very short and the time is over and also the time of Fajr(means after sun rise), can people pray that prayer in Jamaat(means together by making someone as Imam)... More
I was in congregation prayer. In 3rd rakaat, as imaam made rukuk, i still standing to complete my al-fathihaah. But i managed to sujud with imam. But, when i finished the prayer, one of the guy beside me told that i shall follow the imam to rukuk without to complete my al fathihaah. I told him that, as the follower of imaam shafie school of thought,.. More
if I join imam in silent prayer and I dont know which rakah is this one,should i soppose to ricite TAUZ ,TASMIYYA AND SANA ? even if it is third rakah?
thank alot.. More
◊assalamu aleykum. my question regards reciting in the fard Salah(prayers). we are required to follow the principles of tajweed when we are reciting in beautifying the voice . what is the case in prayers where the imaam, during the maghrib, isha or fajr prayers recites verses from the quran in MUjawwad form, that is. for example how sheikh abdul.. More
This brother says his first salamah (after a salaah) immediately after the Imaam's first salamah and after the Imaam says his second Salaamah, he says his. Is this the right as different from we that wait for the Imaam's completion of the two before we start ours?.. More
Assalaamu alaykum respected scholars. My question is concerning the making up the raka'as inside the masjid and the location inside the masid to make up these raka'at that I miissed. I arrived late for salatul Asr just at the end of the second raka'as. at the end of the prayer and when the Imam gives 'As salaamu alaykum' I leave the line and move to.. More
Assaalamu alaikum mufti shahib, Could you please answer the following question. Recently in Isha Prayer, the imam didnt sit on the 2nd Rakat for Tashuad but got up, stood up and folded his hands. When he realised what he done, he quickly sat down and done Tashuad. Few people saw what he had done and when asked about it, he said he didnt stand up straight.. More
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