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If I fast while I am sick, may I break my fast with sexual intercourse?
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I am a 50-year-old woman. I did not make up the days of fasting which I had missed in Ramadan during my menses. Now I fast Ramadan and six days of Shawwal. I am not able to fast the days that I missed because I am sick. Please advise me!
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I am a military aviation student. One day, during last Ramadan, I was supposed to undertake pilot training in the morning. Therefore, I did not fast that day. What happened was that the weather changed and caused the training sortie to be cancelled, and I did not take my flight. What is the ruling? Shall I offer an expiation? I would like to inform.. More
I will be boarding my plane from China to Egypt on September 26th at 8:00 pm Chinese local time, which matches 2:00 pm Egyptian local time. I will be fasting that day, and I will have to break my fast at the airport because the Maghrib (sunset) prayer time starts at 6:05 pm in China. The plane arrives on September 27th, around 6:00 am Egyptian time... More
Assalaamu alaykum. We know that the rulings concerning the fasting of the sick is that if the sickness is chronic, then the fasting person only needs to feed a poor person for each missed day of Ramadan without making up for the missed days. But if a sickness is temporary, the scholars say that the sick person has to make up for all the missed days.. More
Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. I made hijrah to a Muslim country 1,5 years ago, praise be to Allaah, but the problem is that last Ramadan, I tried to fast, but I could only fast one day, and that was a day where I was forced to stay in bed all day. Every time I would stand up, I would almost faint because it is so hot here, and if I drink, I become very.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. My question is that while I was traveling during the month of Ramadan, I made the intention of fasting the following day. However, due to the hot weather, I broke my fast as I convinced myself and my wife that since we were traveling, our intention could be broken. Now I am confused, was I right although I made the intention and broke.. More
Assalaamu alaykum, dear Scholar of Islam. I want to know the following: Is it permissible for a Muslim to offer water to drink to a non-Muslim during the daytime in Ramadan? I have read that many scholars opined that it is not permissible. Please let me know if there is any other considerable opinion from our righteous predecessors. May Allaah reward.. More
I get cramps in the chest, this causes the need to drink water. What is the ruling if this happens while I am fasting? Please note that this happens to me even while I am not fasting because of smoking.
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My sister is disabled. She is 14 years old. She is not able to move and can only speaks through gestures. My mother provides a charity on her behalf for every day of Ramadan. Is this valid?
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I have a friend who works hard labor. He does not fast and justifies his attitude by the fact that his work is too hard. He says that he does not suffer hunger but feels too thirsty. What should he do?
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I suffer from depression. I mean depression as a sickness, not just a feeling. I have been suffering from depression for two years and a half. I saw many doctors but have had no success. A doctor advised me not to sleep during the daytime at all. I find great hardship in applying this advice during Ramadan. Am I allowed to break my fast lest the illness.. More
I suffer from lupus, a disease that affects the internal parts of the body. It affects my kidney, causing albumin in the urine. My condition improves sometimes and worsens at others. I am now feeling well because I regularly take the medicine. My doctor asks me not to fast but I am not convinced, maybe because he is Christian or because I am feeling.. More
My father is over the age of 80. He is infected with a disease in his brain that hinders him from controlling the movement of his right side. He needs somebody to help him with his affairs. Also, he cannot properly express what he wants to say even though he understands very well. As for the prayer, he forgets how to do it and how many rak‘ahs (units.. More
I have a question about fasting Ramadan. I have only one kidney because I was very sick. Can I fast in Ramadan?
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