I am a treasurer in a company. Is it permissible for me to benefit from the money in my trust along with protecting it without my employer's permission?
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As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum,
My husband owns properties and has issued a power of attorney to his brother, authorizing him to sell and buy without leaving any documents with me that establish our children’s rights. When I discuss this matter with him, he says that his family will give me my rights (when he passes away), but I do not trust this. Is this.. More
I want to buy a shared ownership apartment in a building and pay in installments. The first installment is to be paid before starting the construction work. The beneficiaries' installments are collected first in order to start this project. As such, the installments are paid according to the three stages of construction, noting that the state contributes.. More
Some banks offer metals, such as iron or copper, to be sold in installments to their clients. They give the client the choice to sell either through the bank or the client receives the metal and sells it in whatever way he likes. Is this permissible? Thank you. .. More
Is it permissible to enter upon a reconciliation session without permission to intervene for the good of one of the disputing parties though the other party refuses and objects to that?.. More
Dear Shaykh, please explain the following: a condition of As-Salam (advance payment sale) is that it has a definite description. What does this mean?
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A man took and rented an estate from the government after it had been usurped from another person. After working in it for long years, the real owner of the estate came and demanded from the tenant to leave it in return for a certain sum so that he would rent it from the government, thereby obtaining benefit, since the government rents it for a very.. More
Asselamualeykum wr wb. Is that Ok if some one gives money at somewhat lower price than at the market price, to collect the grain in the future , because the farmers need this money to collect their harvest?. And can one keep up this product and sell it when it becomes expensive?? .. More
Asw as a auto spares trader and due to the multitude of available parts, potential customers enquire about items which are not in stock. Is it permissible to obtain prices and establish availability from suppliers, mark up and offer for sale to customers, then if they want to buy they must pay for goods which are then ordered and delivered to customers.. More
asalamulaikum when i was a new driver i smashed into someones parked and destroyed it, no one was in there car, but the persons car probably had to be written off . and a few times i scratched peoples car with my car and didnt own. if i own up now i would be banned as its too late i still drive now and sometimes to the mosque or too help my mum with.. More
assalamwalaikum i hava a property which my friend wants to use use my documents for the perpose of collateral surety with the bank. he wants it for 14 months, my friend said he will pay me some profit. in this deal iam not doing any kind of business with my friend. my point is 1.can i take some percentage of money from is profit or can he fix the %.. More
Assalaam alaikum I wanted to know is there any sin on a person who waives their rights. E.g. if a woman who wants children but husband says no more, she goes along with what he says to keep the peace. Or if a person asks for financial aid from their parents and they refuse, but later she finds out they gave a large amount to two of her siblings? Should.. More
Question : Assalamu Alaicom. I have bought a low-cost house & lot payable for 8 years on a monthly installment basis, the design and sized has been determined,but this house will be constructed 1 year before completing the payment (which means 7 years has been paid), however, the construction will be extended equal to the total of the months I may.. More