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I am building my own website and I want to use my picture to explain Hijab and its benefit in Islam... More
Are women's voices forbidden in Qur'an?
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Can my wife remove here Hijab in front of here step-father? Please note that my mother in-law is not a Muslim nor is her husband... More
Islam says that a woman is not allowed to travel without Mahram. If in an emergency situation like: The woman's mom is in a different country (say Pakistan) and she has been admitted with a heart attack in the hospital. The lady is asked to come and visit her mom. Her husband cannot go with her, as her children will be left alone. Is the woman able.. More
I live in Egypt and have a daughter about to go to school. My question is does she have to go from the first years to a girls-only school. Please note that the vast majority of Islamic schools are mixed for primary years (until the age of 11-12) and then separated afterwards. I know that it is preferable but the options are already very limited... More
I am a woman working in a home for the elderly; at my work I must also help old men in the shower because they are not physically able to wash themselves. (But mentally they are healthy). I want to ask if this allowed in the Islam.
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In which Surah or Ayah has Allah Commanded the headscarf for women?.. More
I would like to seek advice from Islamic view. I am a single mother with a eight years old son. Recently, I enrolled my son in a religious class. Al-Hamdu Lillah, my son met a teacher who is caring and a good role model for him. My son really adores the teacher. Sometimes my son’s teacher will visit him at home and take him out. My questions: 1) Can.. More
According to your remarks in a previous Fatwa, it is not permissible for men and women to mix. This Fatwa is based upon the assumption that there is Fitnah whenever a man and woman (non-Mahram) are together, but there is no basis for this in the Qur'an and Sunnah. Sahih Hadith states a man and woman cannot be alone, because the Shaitan will be the third.. More
I am a 20 years-old girl who wants to ask you about the Salat. In fact I have a serious problem: I have vaginal and urinary secretions even when I am in Sujuod or throughout the Salat. Is my Salat true?
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Should a woman change her cloths in front of a six year-old boy?
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What is allowed from a female's body to be shown to her son, brother, father, or other family and relative members? Does a female have to be careful of her men relatives, so she will not be a victim of sexual aggression? How should she avoid such sexual chances with young or old men from her family members?
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Is it true that its forbidden for a girl to stay with her younger brother alone at home? What are Ahadith Sharifah and Qur'an say concerning this matter?
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Can women pray with a loud voice?
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If a woman leaves her house due to necessity, and she leaves in full and proper Hijab, is she allowed to drive a car? As we live in England we are verbally abused by the disbelievers who are living around us. Some of our family went to visit a sick member of the family and had alcohol thrown at them. In these kinds of situations we are safer in a.. More
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