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1012 fatwas

  • Ruling on marrying a woman who swallowed a spell

    After engagement, I discovered that my fiancée swallowed a spell and that she is possessed. The Jinni loved her and tried to have sex with her. On certain days, she suffers from vomiting and pain at the lowest part of her back. She went to a Shaykh who directed her to have honey and the black cumin and advised her to frequently recite the Quran, particularly.. More

  • He was the reason behind her reversion to Islam and now wants to marry her

    I am a 23- year-old single man and I have finished my studies. I met a 19-year-old Christian Lebanese girl via the internet. She embraced Islam thanks to Allaah The Exalted after convincing her of Islam. She is an only child to a rich family, and when her father knew of her Islam, he asked her to give it up, but she remained firmly adherent to Islam.. More

  • Ruling on marrying a daughter to an alcoholic

    A friend of mine has a problem as her father wants to marry her off to his friend’s son who is an alcoholic with very bad morals. Her father tells her that she can reform him and make him upright, but she is very sad and depressed because of that. I can not see her like that and she asked me for a solution to her problem. What can she do?.. More

  • Financial rights of co-wives with varying conditions

    salam, my husband has 2 wives, i ve a child she has non yet, is our provision suppose to be shared equally or not. And is he allowed in some circumstances to tell lies to me if he knows the truth will hurt me and lead to other problems, and he has done it many times its really almost part of him now. pls i will also want to know if i am allowed to give.. More

  • Her fiancé logged into a matrimonial website

    Asalam o Alikum. I caught my fiance using a matrimonial website, and we getting married in two months, what should I do please I need help Jazakum Allah .. More

  • Age difference and debt are not impediments to marriage

    Salam alikom Im so sick searching for a solution to my problem, it is a very serious problem because it s a life time issue. Im a young girl in my thirteen ages who has a fiancee who is older than her about 14 years and who has kids he is living abroad , what do you say about a fiance who has a big loan from the bank and the girl family knows nothing.. More

  • The permissibility of marrying an ex-psychiatric woman

    Alsalamualikom. I have recently met a sister through an islamic marriage site. We have been talking for around a month and things have been going well. Lately she has informed me about some issues that she went through, mainly that she used to have sever depression around a year ago (was in hospital for a year) and underwent shock therapy. She says.. More

  • The level of marriage compared to other good deeds

    Salam sir..I wanted to ask a question.. I wanted to know the level of marriage.. In Qur'an its written "Amongst you those are the best who marry" i mean i know its a good thing i want to know how good is it ? for example is we say jihad is on 1st level and haj on 2nd and praying 5 times is on 3rd then on what level will marriage come on ? and please.. More

  • His wife believes in God but does not follow a religion

    I am a Muslim man got married about a year ago and i got a daughter. My wife believes in God but she has not choose which realign she will go to Islam or Christianity. And we decided that I will give her full support to understand both realigns. The only thing is that my wife she use to have boyfriend before we get married and she really fill regret.. More

  • She fears her dissolute co-wife may have a contagious disease

    Asalamualikum Warehmatullahe Wabarakatu! I am sending this question in regard of my previous question 2447517. As i mentioned that my co-wife living in USA is found involved in major sins ( visiting gay clubs + spending nights with gay people, consuming alcohol, taking drugs,walk almost naked on roads,keeping kids hungry) . Now my husband wants to call.. More

  • Two men proposed to her, the first disappeared and her mother refuses the second

    after doing my prayers and asking Allah to guide me to take a decision , i turned back to ask a scholar like you to help me also. I know that sure Allah will give me what is the best for me but as you have eperience in that field , i may find an answer to my request. sorry of not writing in Arabic, as i dont have an Arabic key borad. i will tell you.. More

  • What a woman should seek in a would-be-husband

    assalamu alikum.i have problem in choosing a spouse that for me.i'm 30 in age. i have 2 married elder sisters and a younger sister.i expect my spouse must be religious,educated with proper job .but we have some other problems.1- father retired from job because of sister spend for us.she tells only she can't spend.2-younger sister has to marry... More

  • His wife visits a friend who is married to a non-Muslim man

    My question is quite simple My wife always go to her friends house. Her husband is a non muslim and is there at the time my wife is visiting her. The house has two dogs in the garage and her friend is a non practising muslim ( May ALLAH guide her). What is the verdict on this . Wslaam .. More

  • She doubts whether her husband was sincere in new Islam conversion

    Assalamu Alaykum. A practicing muslimah married a convert brother. After marriage she began doubting if he really is a believer, due to the kufr things he sometimes said. He also refused to pray but he fasted ramadan. However, recently he seems to have changed and he is learning how to pray. He also denies the things he used to say. But she feels that.. More

  • Does husband have to make nights up to wives he didn't travel with?

    SALAAMU ALAIKUM, My husband has multiple wives. If me and him go on a trip to handle business, does the time we are gone count as "my" time with him ? Does the time we spent together when away have to be made up to the other wife? If I am sent to go handle the family business by myself, am I entitled to get my days back? .. More