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1012 fatwas

  • This statement about future life partner is not true

    ASSALAM o ALAIKUM i have heared several time that if u do some thing which is wrong(either big or small sin) in ISLAM.. your life partner had also commited that sin what you did.. for example. if a girl had a relationship with a person n did not got married with that boy, n she kissed that boy, so his husband also had a relationship before marriage.. More

  • Getting engaged to two women on the same day

    as salaamu alaykum respected scholars. During my recent trip this is Muslim country a question arose concerning the waiting period between the first and second marriage. My friend was in the mode of signing a marraige contract with his fiancee, when he noticed another girl that appealed to him. After the contract was signed and the marraige ceremony.. More

  • Engaged people informing each other about their past sins

    Alsalamu Alikom.About 4 moths ago I got engaged.Few days after we got engaged, we wanted to meet up to discuss things about our past and confess to each other our mistakes. We exchanged words of regrets and anger at our own past. I used 2 be weak and experienced kisses, hugs and touches but nothing more has happened and I repented&stopped that.. More

  • Marrying a new Muslim woman who was raped before

    As salam o Alaikum, i want to marry a woman who got raped by force when she was 14 years old and got one daughter due to this reason, she was christian before but now she has converted to islam by the grace of allah & due to my teachings. I want to know the sin of rape will be on her also? & will my marriage with her is accepted? Kindly give me the.. More

  • Hesitant to marry a younger man who is still a student

    if a sister wants to get married to a religoues brother and they both agreed but the brother is younger than her and goes to school also can not support her what would she do can she go and search for someone else or should she wait for him till he gets ready... More

  • His fiancée confessed to him that she is not virgin

    My Fiancee was not viring she told me , i did Nikkah with her, No Rukahsit yet. But now this thing pinches me that she is not virign.she told me before Nikkah, but now this thing matter for me. i always quarrle with her and she always beg not to leave her. what should i do , live with her or leave her.?.. More

  • Wants to control his fiancée’s use of the internet after marriage

    I am a religiously committed Muslim man and recently engaged with a religious knowledge able lady. Now the problem is, I want she stop using internet after Nikaah as I have some doubts in my mind due to many evils on internet and I fear this may create problems between us after marriage, she want to get Islamic knowledge and I am ready to provide her.. More

  • His wife wants to embrace Islam just to have a Muslim certificate

    Assalamu 3alaikom wr wb; I'm married with a non-muslim woman, and she lives abroad; I want her to come and live with but to do so, she'll have to make her "shahada"without trully believe in islam, just to have a muslim certificate; So, my question is...if she do so, have I any responsability in what she'll do after her shahada?(not wear hijab,not.. More

  • Effects of late marriage

    effect of late marriage, islamic and medical perspective[s].. More

  • Loves his married cousin who is not happy with her husband

    Assalam alaikum I am a 27 yera ol unmarried man and i am emotionally involved with a female marreid cousin of mine who is a victim of forced marriage ,her parents imposed a husband on her without her consent in 2007,she has no kids yet.she wants khulu(separation)from her husband as she is not fullfiling his due rights ,she tried a lot to be good wife.. More

  • Hugs a pillow when he misses his fiancée

    Asalamwalaikum Shiekh. I am engaged and its been a year times i miss my fiancee a lot , and i mean a lot ... at time i feel miserable and i get feelings and i m not able to figure out what to do .. i hug my pillow tight and go on huggin it .. i feel load on chest and on my body .. i feel like lettin it out .. i told a friend about.. More

  • Money is not the basis of a successful marriage

    Asslam Aliakum, I am a muslim and wanted to marry a muslim girl. Her parents laid a condition that If I buy a brand new house, they would accept me for marriage. After two years of hard working I was able to buy the house. I went back to them this time they laid a SECOND CONDITION on me that I will have to put the house on her name before they could.. More

  • A second wife treated unjustly

    Salamalecom i'm a second wife and my marriage contract was done by my wali who is a sheikh.The acceptance and dua for marriage was done infront of witnesses but the signing of the contract was done a month later,and the only person to see me sign the contract was my husband not even the wali.Can a man request before marriage that the woman not have.. More

  • Early marriage for girls

    Assalamu Aalikum. If girls get married at a very younge age( between age 6 and 16 for example), it might be harmful for her in various ways. She might end up getting pregnant while her own body is developing. She might not be able to finish her studies to attain a qualification, so that she can survive if Allah forbids something happens to her Husband... More

  • You should not divorce your new wife

    Dear Esteemed Imam, I am a married person, and living alone for more than four years away from my wife in a foriegn country. I have entered into a another marriage with full shart achieved, i.e. 1. Witnesses (More than 6 men) 2. Mahr 3. Ijab and Kubool When I married, I had no intention of divorce, however when I married, I did not think nor my new.. More