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1013 fatwas

  • Conditions for Marrying a Second Wife

    A friend of mine is taking a second wife. However the second wife has put certain conditions for marriage. 1) She does not want him to support her or her children from previous marriage; financially as she is very rich. 2) She does not want equal share of his time and is happy if he spends only 2 days/nights with her a week-any more is to the.. More

  • Has A Girlfriend Whom He Hopes to Marry in Six Years

    I have found your site very useful for me and acquired a lot of knowledge because of your site. I have a girlfriend and I did search in your site if it is Haram or not and from what I have read it does not apply to me. This girl is the one I love and the one I will always love and we are taking it seriously, meaning that there is no touching between.. More

  • Muslim Marriage in Czech Republic

    I would like to have an Islamic opinion on marriage with another woman in European countries [Muslim and non-Muslim]. One Czech Muslim man married two women together in one day without Wali [one is Muslim, one is Christian]. He has given interview about it to the newspaper with non-Islamic photo [he kissed one of his wives and other wife was looking.. More

  • Marrying to Get Green Card

    Is it Haram to get married to just get a green card? .. More

  • Married a Christian Man and Had a Child Before He Became Muslim

    11 Years ago, I married a Christian man in American court, and 1 year later I went back to my country of origin to celebrate a wedding. But before that, I told him that he had to convert to Islam, Especially after my dead father visited me in my dream and he was beating me to death. Anyway, my husband was not really devoted, meaning that sometimes he.. More

  • Avoiding a relationship while studying in a co-ed university

    How can I protect myself while I am in the University and the only girl in my section from having a relationship even a pure one and I still have 2 years before finishing?.. More

  • Love sickness

    My problem is that one-year back I had an Internet affair. I have since then realized my mistake and have repented. My dad didn't agree to the marriage because of different nationalities. Seeing that my Wali had completely refused, I decided not to proceed. I gave up the whole idea. However, since then I have been regretting and thinking that.. More

  • The Perfect Age to Marry

    I want to ask when is the 'perfect' age for marriage. A friend of my mother knows a brother who is looking to get married so, my friend's mother wanted to nominate me. Should I say yes and wait till I finish high school (I'm 16) or should I get married now? .. More

  • Marriage custom in Bombay

    I am from Bombay India. We have a custom that after Nikah we take our wife to our home and we spend one night with her and the next day we make reception. After that we send our wife to her parents home and after 4-5 days we go to her home and take her back to our home. Is there anything like this in Islam? If not, is what we are doing Wrong, (Haram).. More

  • Using Friends to Find Husband before Informing Her Parents

    I have frequently heard that it is permissible for a woman to arrange her own marriage through pious Muslim female friends (and usually the help of their husbands) without any impermissible contact with the intended husband. Is this true? Does this mean that a woman can let some friends know that she is interested in marriage and ask them to help her,.. More

  • After Seeing His Fiancé’s Picture, He Does Not Want to Marry Her

    I got engaged with a girl 4 months ago without seeing the girl. Now I have her photograph but I did not like her (looks). I don't feel like marrying her. I don't want to deceive her but I will not be able to live with her for life. I am in a mess. Can you please give me suggestion as what should I do in such a situation? .. More

  • Muslim Wants Help in Choosing a Wife

    I'm originally Muslim Arab. I'm living in North America. I want to marry. Is it better to take who is originally a Muslimah, or who reverted to Islam, or who wants to become a Muslim? I need an advice. .. More

  • Wants to Marry in China

    I am in the Kafir country, and I would like to protect my self from Zina. I asked Muslims here to marry but I was rejected because I am a student. So can I marry a Kafir girl who announces Islam just by her mouth and I am not sure from her heart? I am in China and most people are communist or Buddhist. .. More

  • Muslim Man Married to Buddhist Woman

    I am married with a woman from Holland and after that I discovered that she believe in Buddha and I have a girl from this woman. I don't know what I have to do because I am Muslim. In the beginning she told me that she is Christian. Really I don't know what I have to do. .. More

  • Love Relationship without Sex

    What is the opinion in Islam about love relationships (not sexual)? .. More