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557 fatwas

  • Bride’s family having a wedding party

    Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullah In India brides parents use to give party for nikah, So what is the ruling on this in Islam, Is it permissible or Biddah or somekind of sin.......Please answer me this as soon as possible.. More

  • A second wife whose husband denies her rights

    assallamuallaykum, i got married with muslim men and became a muslim myself without a consent of both of our parents. do i consider this as marriage that we make the papers after two years? my husband has already have a wife and she dont know about us. we make the marriage together with the consent of his three men friends but without a paper. is this.. More

  • A new Muslim had her marriage carried out by an Imaam and witnesses

    I am a revert and my family is non muslim. I do not have a mahram and I met my husband online because in the city that I was born, there were no suitable brothers. Hence, I was forced to look outside my area. I met a very pious and honest man whose father is an Imam in Jordan, and he was living in Germany. I travelled to him after I talked to my Imam.. More

  • Marrying before elder sisters and brothers

    Assalamulaikum, We are three sisters and four brothers,parents are expired.I am Sultan,3rd from both side.We are all above the age 25 yrs.First comes two eldest sisters.Myself and my elder brother are trying to mix marriage for our sisters but its happening.My age is 28 running .Here comes the question,what does Quran and hadiths says ,whether I can.. More

  • There is no valid relationship between you and this man

    i got intrested ina man,did;nt knew much about him.he asked to to marry him.i accepted his proposal.he brought a maulwi he recited few verses and said ur nikah is done.i whould here mention that there were no witnesses and everything was done orally.anyhow aftr few months one day on mobile he said divorce words many times.then aftr about 20 days he.. More

  • Married another man while she was in her waiting period

    Recently i knew about ur web.side and i made one queastion but i have not mentioned all true as was feeling too shame to say everything to any body.It is already for 3 years i do not know haw to correct my life as per Islamic shariga and have no one who could help me.3years ago i got positive advice from Islamic center regarding secret marriage and.. More

  • Had only one Muslim male witness during his marriage to a Christian woman

    dear sir I am a muslim got married to a christian woman who was divorced before in a registry office in london (non muslim office),in front of her family and the presence of over 20 people who wittnessed the cermony but withowt my family who couldnt attend ,there was only on muslim friend who attended the cermony and signed the document with her sister.. More

  • Wants to hide her marriage for fear of magic and evil eye

    peace be up on you and may allah reward you for your help incha llah i'm a married woman and i just get married recently with a foriegn muslim man who is a very good muslim el hamedo li lahe .my parent and my close relatives know that i get married and that i'm waiting for my visa to come so i can join my husband incha parent asked me to not.. More

  • A son as a marriage guardian in marrying off his mother

    Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaah, My son is a teen but he is of age to be my wali. Can you tell us the best way to open a meeting with a suitor and the correct way to write a marriage contract. If possible can you please show an example of a marriage contract. May Allah reward you with good in this life and the next... More

  • Embraced Islam only to marry a Muslim woman

    I was a christian who converted to Islam as a requirement of marriage to moroccan woman in Morocco. It was the only way to get married - I did not necessarily agree with the principle but for true love I agreed to do this as the only way to be together. With time I have had strong doubts about this conversion to the point I want to reconsider being.. More

  • Her parents married her off to a man who might be mentally disabled

    My friend got engaged at age 17 to a 27 year old guy after 2 years of engagement nikkah was performed so that she would sponsor him to come to america on nikkah ceremony she was not allowed to meet the guy while she insisted since she never met him before Her mother in law didnt let the guy meet the girl before nikah after nikkah was done she met the.. More

  • Wants to know his obligations towards an invalid marriage

    I got to know a 46 year old widow over the internet in the middle of Ramadhan. When i realised that we were not compatible i told her that i wanted to finish writing to each other, to which she agreed despite saying that she was in love with me. I felt that it was not love but rather something mentally not quite right with her. This woman then travelled.. More

  • Her ex-husband apostated and wants to remarry her

    iIf lady married her husband divorce but not pure heart divorce he want to talk her but she gnore because she is muslim and heer hasband is Christian. hasband convert muslim cast then after 2 yrs. went chrishtian then wife no go in chrishtian cast but hasbant told both are same go church and go mosque. then what heppen this matter then but both are.. More

  • Her parents do not know about her secret marriage and want to marry her off

    Assalamalaikum, I am 23 years old Girl who is Secretly Married with out my Parents/Guardian Permission, as the problem is I am working and did not wanted to do anything Illegal in the eyes of Allah, so I married a Married person who is Religiously committed who bought the Khazi and 2 witnesses and they asked my permission through Telephone without my.. More

  • Married a divorcee in her waiting period without her guardian's consent

    Assalamalaikum, Dear Brother, A friend of mine asked me to find out about his marrage which happen in a different way. Weather in front of Allah Subanatala it is right or wrong and if it is wrong what he has to do to make it correct. The fact is the girl whom he married she was priviously married and she stayed for 1 week with her husband and returned.. More