He had an affair with his mother's sister's daughter and they both had an intercourse and that lead to a 6th months pregnancy and later both his mother and aunty got settle the matter with mutual understanding and arranged the Nikaah of both girl and boy, while Nikaah girl was conceiving 6th month pregnancy and later they decide not to.. More
I am in love with a girl. I married her. Then I got sex with her. After 6 months I come to know that we did marriage wrong it is not acceptable because we did on phone and she had no witness with her but I had two witnesses at my side and molvee with me he said he is witness from her side. And she accepted him her witness. Now is our marriage.. More
My husband has been married before me and divorced with 2 kids. His ex-wife is living in his apartment with the kids now. I just noticed that in our marriage contract it is written that he is readyto receive me in his apartment after the marriage. Since we are not living there because his ex-wife is and he cannot complete this part of the contract.. More
I went to another country and I got married with the idea of bringing him here for a visa and maybe helping me. things didn't work out and he hasn't came here its been almost 3 years I am now I am Muslim and have remarried I want to know Islaamic am I still married to the guy before he has not been a husband to me anyway and my new husband is.. More
I have received your answer for my last time question, thanks. To continue my question, my father has annulled the asked which I made by his friend, and the Qaadi also told me as you told me his friend can't be his guardian. And I applied to the court that I am 21, and based on the Shariah law I have right to make an asked with a religious person,.. More
What are the duties of the Waly? If the two persons are getting married spend time together without a chaperone what are the consequences. If the man has hepatitis b and c what decision can be made on the Waly's part and the potential wife? .. More
I got married with an Italian woman 4 months after her divorce. She is Christian and not virgin. A lawyer made our marriage contract with witnesses here in Egypt but without guardian. She was alone in Egypt. We agreed that we continue that marriage in the embassy just paper is finished. So please tell me is that marriage legal? .. More
I was born Christian but do not practice Christianity. Although I am not an atheist, I am not really a believer. I believe in many teachings of religion (being good to others, etc.) but not all teachings (Heaven, Hell, etc.) I have known this Muslim girl for two years and we fell in love. We are both Arabs, but from different countries. I am.. More
It is a tradition in my culture that when a man leaves behind a wife and children, they become the family of his brother(s). In other words, the brother-very often the younger brother-of the deceased maries the widow in order for her not to leave the household and ultimately abandon the children. Is this Halaal practice?.. More
I am writing to know if in Islam temporary marriage allowed? I mean temporary marriage a real marriage in front of witness, but it should be temporary in order to marry the ex husband again. I know after third divorce a woman should wait for to finish her Iddah and then she should marry someone else when he divorces her then she can marry her ex-husband... More
I am 20, my family has divorced 7 years ago. I live with my grand mother with my 2 little sisters. I have been asked for marriage by one guy. He is religious and has good character. I have asked my father about the proposal, since he live abroad, he also asked his friend who lives here to give him information about the guy. My father's friend.. More
If a Muslim man marries a woman who was Roman Catholic and divorced with children, then on meeting this man she finds out about Islam and accepts it then they get married and the man did not request permission from his parents, is this marriage acceptable. The man was younger than the woman also and an only son and parents lived in another country,.. More
I know about a Muslim girl who wants to marry a Christian, who has deceived her and told her that there is no part of the Holy Quran that clearly states that Muslim women can not marry Christians, but only says not to marry Mushrikeen (Kuffar). He says that Christians are not Mushrikeen (Kuffar) because Mohammed.. More
I have been away from Islam and done major sins, I have now repented, praying and I stopped what I used to do, regret it and I never want to do it again. I'm reading Qur'an, Hadith and Tafseer to know more. I have 2 questions, so please bear with me. First question I know this girl, who was an atheist and I gave her some things to read... More
I am a resident in the United States of America since a long time and I discovered some matters that the Muslims are doing, and which require a sound Islamic ruling, and need to be made known to the Ummah for the benefit of everybody InshaAllah. One of these matters is concerning the Wali (guardian) of a Muslim woman. This is a matter which is widespread.. More
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