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Assalaamu alaykum. One of our sisters got married six years ago and is with children. Unfortunately, she had sexual intercourse with another man about three weeks prior to the wedding ceremony. After the wedding and at the end of the month, she could not see her period and thus realized that something had happened. Two months later, she had a miscarriage.. More
Assalaamu alaykum, dear Brother or Sister. I am new on this website, and I hope that you can help me with my situation. I applogize for my bad English and mistakes in writing. I am a married women and have a daughter from a previous marriage. The man whom I married is already married and has four kids. I knew this before marrying him; at that time,.. More
I am going through a depression. I want to ask; I got married on the phone without witnesses and without my guardian's consent. There was only the offer and acceptance on the phone, and no one heard it except us, and we agreed that it would be a secret. I know that such marriage is not valid. Then, one day, we had a fight, and he told my mom about the.. More
I had a girlfriend, and I used to chat with her during phone calls. Sometimes she was alone, while some other times, her friends were around her whilst she was talking to me. I proposed marriage to her in jest on multiple occasions on the phone, and she used to reply in affirmation, and all this happened multiple times, and I used to divorce her in.. More
1. If there are two witnesses, one male and one female, in the Nikah (wedding), is it valid according to the Islamic Sharia or not?
2. If there is no Moulvi/Qadi in the Nikah but only two witnesses, one male and one female, is it a valid Nikah or not?
3. If the date of divorce is 04.10.2012 and the Nikah was done on 06.10.2012 during the Iddah.. More
I am unemployed and do not have money for a wedding now, but both my parents and those of my wife are in support of our relationship. She has given me a child and we are living together, but we are still not financially able to go through a wedding for now. Is what we are doing accepted in Islam, and can she prepare food for me during Ramadan?
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There is a Hindu girl whom I was in haram relationship with. Allaah guided us and so we repented; she accepted Islam and we then married with the consent of my parents. Since her parents did not accepted Islam (and they also did not know the condition of the religion of her daughter then), my maternal uncle became the Wali (legal guardian) of this girl.. More
Assalaamu alaykum! I want to know the authenticity of the hadith given by At-Tirmithi and reported by Sufyaan Ath-Thawry "That a man who wants to keep a woman with whom he made Halala has to remake a new contract because the intention of Halala made this contract void". Is it possible to have the graduate of this hadith, and if it is weak, does that.. More
Assalaamu alaykum Sir/Madame.I have a query about my elder sister. On 11-12-3013, my elder sister got married with one of our relatives without informing us. At the time, my parents were out of the city. Both of them hid it from us. Last week, my sister informed both of the families about it. We are shocked knowing about it. My parents do not like marriage.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I married a man just to make Tahleel (marriage in which a man marries a woman after she was divorced three times by her husband simply in order to make it lawful for her husband to marry her again)because I was divorced three times by my first husband, so I married the second in order to become licit for the first. So we made this.. More
My questsion is the following: my husband hid his actual parents at the time of marriage as he was born in a Christian family and was adopted by a Muslim family. At the time of marriage, however, we were totally unaware about the facts. He told me after some time that he is an adopted kid. My husband is Muslim but does not offer prayers and fast regularly... More
Assalaamu alaykum dear Brothers. I am from the Indian state of Kerala and follow the Shaafi'i mathhab. Two years ago, my wife's sister's daughter ran away with her lover. My wife's family was not ready to arrange a marriage because he was not following an Islamic way of life; he was drinking and had a criminal background. The case reached the court,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. How can we reconcile between the hadith that relates that the Prophet, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa sallam,forbade forced marriages and the sayings of scholars that you can marry a young girl before she becomes a woman (becomes mature) even if she does not want to do so.
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. have been in a relationship for quite some time but found out that that is haram. After learning that was the case, we decided to have a marriage, which took place with my father, my mother, his mother and a male relative present; my parents accepted his proposal. I have discussed with him to accept.. More
Please help with a serious query. I got married according to Islamic law in India. Recently, my husband and I were fighting and he hit me three times around the face, in public. It happened at the worst time as I was already going through a period of severe mental breakdown (and seeing a pyschiatrist) and I was crazy with anger and forced him to come.. More
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