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474 fatwas

  • Married her without paying her a dowry and wants to divorce her

    I have been married for over 30 years and my husband never gave me a dowry but I told him, he could pay it later. He is divorcing me as I am ill and he wants a young wife. He has been a very bad husband. Is he required to pay me my dowry now? I need it to take care of my ill son, who is unable to work as well as myself. .. More

  • The Ma’athoon wrote a dowry amount lesser than what was agreed upon

    i got married before 2 months.the dowry between the 2 parties was decide to be a certain amount of the time of writing marriage contract the sheikh was informed by my uncle to write the amount which was decide as dowry.but the father of my husband told sheikh to write a different amount of dowry which was much less than what was decided .the.. More

  • His mother-in-law urged his wife to ask him for a new dowry

    salam brother. I gived my wife first time money for mahr the money she wanted and she was happy after when her mum came to visite us she was unhappy for the money and asked my wife to ask me for more moneymy wife she asked me to do a new mahr again to make her mum happy and I did the 2nd mahr was £6000. wish one is the correct?salam jzk ALLAH... More

  • Delayed dowry of a wife who asks for divorce

    When I got married the contract stipulated a mahr 50,000 UAE Dirhams, to be given at the start, and another 50,000 UAE Dirhams to be given at the end - in the event of my death or divorce. I gave her the former before we married. She has now left me, after 26 years, saying she wants to be "free". If I divorce her do I have to give her the second mahr? .. More

  • A widow demanding her delayed dowry after her husband’s death

    my husband's father died six months ago. his wife (who is not my husband's real mother) has asked that the family give her the other half of her dowry. is she entitled to this since her husband died and did not divorce her? i feel like she is just being greedy but we do not want to do anything haram by her. we want to do everything by the Qu'ran. please.. More

  • His wife's family set up his wife's dowry so higher than her sister's

    Hi, As- Salamu-Alaikum. I have a question regarding Maher. During my marriage, My in-laws set Maher too high and it was not communicated with my family in a proper manner. I came to know about the amount on the stage when the imam was conducting the marriage ceremony. i panicked but couldn't say anything because i wanted to save my mother-in-laws [she.. More

  • A woman and her guardian disagreeing over the amount of her Mahr

    Assalamo Alaykum dear scholars, Kindly I want to put forward my question about mahr: 1. Who stipulates the amount of mahr, the Wali or the girl who is going to get married? 2. If the Wali fixes an amount of mahr but the bride does not agree to this amount, then is this mahr valid? Wa Jazakum-Allah Khayra!!.. More

  • His 58 year old wife says that she is too old for sex

    3/5/2010. I shall be 64 years in July 2010. My wife is 58-year-old. Her menses stopped nearly seven years ago. After that she doest want to have intercourse with me willingly. And for the last three years, she hardly agrees to have intercourse; rather she scolds me and says this is not allowed at this age. She says Allah has allowed intercourse only.. More

  • Wants to divorce his disobedient wife in return for her delayed dowry

    Salamu alaykum warrahmatallah Please advise us about the ruling on a disobedient wife who has abandoned the house of her husband and freed herself from all of her husband’s rights over her, in regards to the deferred dowry or mu’akhar if she was to be divorced. The Husband has not divorced her due to the fact he may be compelled to pay the deferred.. More

  • A husband disposing of the money of his wife

    I recently started working and as a show of trust on my husband I let him manage my money also in whatever way he wants. I have noticed in the past few times he has been giving me wrong information on where he spent the money. It was more obvious when I asked him about it and he raised his voice. I found out that he has been spending my money on his.. More

  • She and her husband are disputing on the amount of her dowry

    Asalamu Alaikum Does the bride decide on the Mahr, or can the groom set limits on the dowry. I really can’t recall deciding on my mahr value but my husband tells me that I did. I’m just really confused. The last thing I can remember before the nikkah took place is my husband told me that we’d talk about it tomorrow and that I cannot base my.. More

  • Her husband broke his pre-marriage promises

    I got married 5 months ago, before marriage my husband promised my mum and dad that after marriage he will not stop my studies,he will come with me overseas for my citizenship will stay there 1 one for that atleast.he also promised that his married sister with her two kids living with him will not create any problem for me,after marriage.. More

  • A wife refusing her husband’s call to bed because he shaves his beard

    Asalam allaikum wa rahmatullah wa baraktuh! I have one Question: I live in Europe. I and many of my frinds has the Problem, that our husbands shaves off their beard and shows their auwrah (Shot jacket and tight trousers). Due to the fact, that it is forbidden to show one's auwrah and shave the beard, is it permissible for us to stop sexual intercourse.. More

  • Her husband does not pray Fajr on time in case they have sexual intercourse


  • A wife renouncing a part of her delayed dowry

    i got married with an agreedable installment dowry cash later on i found my husband financial situation is down i wanted to forget and lessen the dowry and i considered all what he spent for wedding as a part of it.whats the best solution.. More