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Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuhu My question is that how do i make up for the obligatory fasts that were not kept by my deceased parents? They have missed very many years and not due to any illness etc. It is going to be hard for me to keep them on their behalf. Can I pay a fidya instead? Jazak Allah Khairan.. More
Assalamoalikum, Eid ul Adha Mubarak, its questions from one of my sister i have few doubts like when we do qurbani, we do it for Allah, in the name of Allah, but we make niyah for so and so person gets thawab, like for my late grandpa also we did, can we do for the thawab of our prophets? especially our beloved prophet peace be upon him? or we cannot.. More
salam aleikum. i have some questions. in ramadan i was almost 8 months pregnant and it was hard for me to fast because of this. for this i have only fast the last 10 days of ramadan and now after my child is born and my 40 days of bleeding has finnished i have start to fast the days what i have missed. my problem is that the night before i fast i say.. More
I had to make up for two days of fasting that I missed in the past Ramadhaan, and on the 9th and 10th of Muharram I intended to make up for the two days of Ramadhaan along with the intention to get the blessing of these two days. Is it permissible to combine the two intentions, i.e. making up for the missed days and getting the blessing of the current.. More
Why did the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, not order the Companions to fast the ninth of Muharram except a year before his death, despite the fact that the Jews left Madeenah a long time before this?
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I could not observe fasting on the day of ‘Aashooraa’ (10th of Muharram) due to sickness, knowing that I had the intention to fast on that day and had already fasted on the 9th of Muharram. Can I observe fasting on another day instead of ‘Aashooraa’ that I missed? Is voluntary fasting not to be made up for? May Allaah reward you... More
Why did the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, observe fasting on the tenth of Muharram?.. More
Are there any Hadeeths about the virtue of fasting the first ten days of Muharram? May Allaah reward you... More
I fasted the tenth of Muharram to compensate for one of the days that I had not fasted and I was intending to fast the eleventh of Muharram as I know that it is impermissible to fast the tenth of Muharram alone. However, I had my menstruation on the eleventh of Muharram and could not fast that day. Is my fasting the tenth of Muharram alone permissible?.. More
Salam. It’s forbidden to fast on Friday (only) but can we fast if we are keeping obligatory missed fasts?
jazak Allahu khairan.
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if I am fasting and I told myself I want to eat but did not do it am I still fasting or not?.. More
As-salam `alaykum wa rahamat ALLAH wa barakatuh. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem.
Dear brothers,
My question is regarding fasting. As far as i know the smoke from bakhoor and cigarette break the fast (apart from the fact that smoking is haram) as was stated by Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen when he was asked about the fasting person smelling perfume and he said:.. More
Assalamu aleikum,
In Ramadhan, a woman got up early to take care of the house and children. The whole day she was busy and every now and then she tried to take some time to read Quran, too. In the evening, she was so tired that she just wanted to sleep early and did not have the energy to pray much taraweeh. Her husband, however, slept the whole day,.. More
dear brothers, i have missed a few fasts this ramadan and I want to make it up. But I don't exactly remember which day of ramadan was it. For example, I remember I have missed 3 fasts, but whether they were the 4th of ramzan or 14th of ramzan or 21 of ramzan etc, I do not remember. So my question is when i make them up do i just normally make them up.. More
What is the expiation for having sexual intercourse deliberately thinking that time of breaking the fast was due after hearing the Athaan of Maghrib from a remote Masjid (Mosque)?.. More
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