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816 fatwas

  • It is not obligatory to climb up to the top of Safa and Marwah

    Assalamu Alaikum Is it necessary to climb upward at safa turning point of ground level corridor? Wheel chair person simply turns after one or two steps forward at safa turning point. what about people who perform sayee at roof or basement ? Does safa hill start as soon as level ground starts to uplift or is there some artificial elevation ? .. More

  • Perform Hajj and ‘Umrah on behalf of your mother first

    Assalamu alaikum sheik, first of all i have to thank the almighty allah alhamdulillah, and then for you for my all previous questions been answered from tha fatwa centre, my today s question is if a persions father and mother already dead, after the persons obligatory haj is already performed, behalf of whom he has to perform the haj (father or mother)if.. More

  • After returning home he found that his ‘Umrah was void

    If someone performed Umra and after retuning home he finds that his Umra had become void, then what does it imply ? Does it mean that he is still in Umra and hence in Ihram and therefore it is illegal to have all prohibited thing of Ihram like sexual relationship etc. Or simply, although Umra is void but he may live normal life. Also if while living.. More

  • The 'Umrah of his Hajj Tamattu’ was invalid

    I was willing to perform Hajj -e -Tamattu. I have performed Umra on arrival to Holy Mecca. Thereafter I went To Holy Madina and on returning I performed another Umra (of course before Hajj) . Thereafter after some days I performed hajj. Now, in case my second Umra becomes void or nullifies. Then , is my Hajj- e- Tamattu valid keeping in view that.. More

  • Resuming Tawaaf after interrupting it

    Sir In Islam Assalmu Alikum The cases where tawaf after interruption is resumed from where left off, I want to be clarified about the resumption spot . If someone perform tawaf at the second floor, then interruption occurs .Now tell me ,can’t he resume his tawaf on the mataf area near Holy kaba as close as possible and of course at the parallel.. More

  • Making the Ka'bah to one's left during Tawaaf

    Respected Sir in Islam Assalmu Alaikum If someone performed tawaf with his child and his child becomes separated due to crowd .then he moves back to get his child .In this scenario ,holy kaba becomes to his right for a few steps. But of course that much distance is repeated again correctly ,that is holy kaba with his left ,once he got the child and.. More

  • There is no specific supplication for every round of Tawaaf

    At every TAWAF we have to say diffrent doas .. More

  • Choosing between performing 'Umrah and visiting parents

    salam, currently m jobless n live with my wife n 1 son in qatar. i am survivng on my savings from my last job which too was only for 18 months and the 1st question is :which thing has more priority:performing umrah(never done befor) OR visiting my parents in india (havent seen them last 15 months) jazakallahukhairan.. More

  • He did not accompany his wife while performing her Farewell Tawaaf

    Question 1:- During my Umrah trip, while performing sunnah or Farwell tawaaf , my wife performed the tawaaf with my mother, while I was sitting in the Haram, looking after my 2 children’s ( 2 yr & 6 yr old). Is this tawaaf is valid. Question 2:- Conditions are similar as above only the difference is performing tawaaf alone (my wife alone). .. More

  • His wife wants him to give her parents money to perform Hajj

    assalam-o-alaikum myself and my wife both are doctors,still studying, getting handsome salary but this is for one more year, after that i have to establish my own clinic or job or higher education which may need money. i have 2.5 lac rupees in hand. my wife is pregnant my my monthly expense is around 25 thousand rupees. establishing clinic will cost.. More

  • Performing Hajj without spending the night at Muzdalifah

    Dear brothers assalamu allaikum l was with indian medical mission as a doctor we gave them in writing that we will not perform haj but later on they allowed us to perform haj with condition that i will not stay at muzdelfa for night tell me please is this haj acceptable ?wasalam.. More

  • Wants to perform Hajj, but fears for his kids during his absence

    assalamualikum, i want to perform Haj or Umra whicever is possible, now the problem is that i have young family, my eldest girl is 7 and the other one is just 4. can i leave them alone and perform Haj or i have to postpone it till i find someone who can be there with my family? i have got no Mahram to stay with my family in the country i am living.. More

  • Feels embarrassed to kiss his wife after having kissed the Black Stone

    I have just offer My UMMRAH. and luckly ALLAH SWT give chance me many time to touch Khana Kaba and kiss the BLACK STONE and Cloth of Kaba. now i have return back, and as a human being i have my sex desires with my wife. but when ever i do kiss to my wife on lips and other body parts i feel ashamed that these lips has kissed the GOD HOUSE . and what.. More

  • Receiving greetings from the Prophet from his grave

    Some people allege that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is alive in his grave because he returns people’s greetings, even after his death. How can I refute this allegation? .. More

  • A woman wearing socks during Ihraam

    assalamu alaikum, my question is whether women can wear soaks or cover her feet after entering to ihram for umrah?? .. More