I would like to ask about inheritance. Before My father (god bless him) passed away, he registered half of his apartment in my name and the other half in my mother's name. Here I have to say that my father asked me about what he is intending to do. I asked him to ask my brothers and sisters because I do not want any of them to have problem with.. More
I have a savings account in a bank on which I receive interests. I can't change my account toordinary since this account charges a monthly fee of $3.45. Moreover, I'm not working, which is why I wouldn't be able to afford a fee of $3.45 per month. What am I supposed to do now? Is there an alternative solution. Is it also true that when one has.. More
One of my relative has got a huge lottery prize in an international lottery contest. He actually didn't buy the ticket but his friend bought the ticket in his name. Now my relative wants to know whether it is Halaal for him to get the huge money he had got. Can he use it for his personal purposes? Is it Halaal for him? Please explain.
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I have come to the U.K. to work as a doctor. Alhamdulillaah, I have got job as a doctor starting from February 2005, so there still few months for this job to start and I am not legally allowed to do any other job. In this case, if I do some other job (which is illegal according to my visa status) till February 2005, will the money I will earn be.. More
My question is about Faraa’id.
There is a man who has two maternal brothers and one sister and he has two wives. Wife number 1 has three daughters from this man and wife number two has two daughters from him and five daughters and one boy from previous marriage. The man died. The youngest daughter of the second wife died 2 years after her.. More
My permanent residence is in Sri-Lanka, which is a non-Islaamic country. Provided, I open up a hotel with rooms, restaurants, and banquet hall. I am compelled to entertain believers and non-believers alike. In this case, if the non-believers bring along things like alcoholic drinks to the hotel, or else sometimes if even bring females to rooms.. More
For your hard work and may Allah reward you the highest level of Paradise. Several businessmen would like me to join their business that I have some doubts towards. This business is based on 'residual income', where an innovator or entrepreneur gets 4% profit from every person who uses his idea to launch profitable business (ex. franchises)... More
A co-operative in Australia is offering financing for house purchases by doing the following:
The idea is called 'sale to lease' (S2L), when the property is found, a contract is drawn between the seller and the buyer to purchase the property under the buyer's name. The co-operative pays the seller the amount agreed upon between the buyer and the.. More
I got a job offerART (the television program) (ART stands for Arabic radio television). The job is in their office in California and it is customer service or a secretary assisting the president and vice president. For example, answering their private calls, and doing paper work. My question is this job considered Halaal or Haraam since ART is.. More
My grandfather Moosa gave his grandson Siddeeq a piece of land because he was an orphan. My grandfather Moosa died and then his grandson Siddeeq also died leaving only one son Zaid.
My question is what will happen to this piece of land? Will it go to Zaid or it will go back to sons of Moosa (my grandfather) and it will be divided between them.. More
I want to know about that whether it is permissible to purchase a flat of a building from the owner who might have build that building with the money taken as bank loan and paid interest... More
I have just been selected as a winner of a promotion lucky draw held by a website company. I didn't buy anything or participate in anything. Is it Halaal for me to accept the prize?.. More
Recently my mother-in-law died. She had five daughters and one son. One of the daughters is totally insane. She has no sense at all. The question I want to ask you is that has she right in the Tarka (share in the wirsa) please advise me... More