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5673 fatwas

  • Islamic and other marriages

    If I ask a woman to be my wife and she accepts that and I accept her to be my wife and the God is the witness on that. Is that possible and the marriage is not temporary? What is the difference between the marriage in the Islamic way and other ways, such as Christian? .. More

  • Declining Wedding Invitation Due to Mixing of Sexes

    My brother in-law is getting married soon. His wife is not yet a Muslim. Her father is organizing a big party for the wedding. I don't want to go because there will a mixed gathering of men and women. My wife will be very upset when I will tell her. Am I wrong not to go for the reason mentioned earlier? Please give me advice what to do. .. More

  • Hindu Girl Won't Leave Him Alone

    I am in a very critical situation, I began to practice Islam recently. Three years ago when I was leading a life of ignorance, I had a lover, a Hindu girl. After I returned to Islam, I tried to avoid her, but she is not willing to leave me alone. I tried to call her to Islam, but she refuses. Now she calls me asking about getting married because she.. More

  • Pre-Conditions for a Woman to Work

    Is it true that Islam forbids women to leave their homes? If some women get good qualifications or want to serve their country or their families, are they allowed to do so in Islam? .. More

  • Japanese Muslims Seeking Islamic Education for Children

    My wife and I are writing this letter, as we are highly concerned about the Islamic upbringing of our two boys, who are 8 and 10 years old. We live in Japan, and there are no Islamic schools for that age, so the children are attending normal Japanese schools. Our concern is that the children spend most of the day among non-Muslim children and the school.. More

  • Told wife she was divorced three times then took her back

    I had a fight with my wife and we were both very angry. When I returned back from work, my wife had left the house to go to her sister house. I tried to call her to ask her to come home and left her two messages but she didn't call me back. Later in the evening I drove to her sister's house to bring her back but nobody was home. I left a note in the.. More

  • Divorced wife seeks past maintenance

    I was married to a US citizen who left me for US after 24 days of marriage and never paid any maintenance to me during 3 years of marriage. He has sent the divorce to me. Do I have the right to ask for three years maintenance now?.. More

  • Talking to a Girl Like a Sister

    Can I talk to a girl just to ask about her, not for anything else; she is like my sister? .. More

  • Women Equal to Men?

    Are women equal to men in all affairs? .. More

  • Worried About Children's Future Since Wife Does Not Practice Islam

    My wife for 14 years became Muslim about 2 years ago. Her practice of Islam hasn't improved since she took Shahadah, no praying and no fasting and no covering of hair. But she stopped going to Church, and I truly believe she is sincere in her belief. She tells my 3 year old daughter Al-hamdu Lillah when she sneezes, and she answers Salaam when I say.. More

  • Some Scholars Preferred Marriage Between Non-Relatives

    I came to know that marriages between cousins is more preferrable than marriage to others. Can you share some information on this? .. More

  • Many concerns about getting married

    I think the information presented in Islamweb is both valuable and interesting. I am 27 years of age, male, working abroad as a computer engineer. Currently I am continually thinking of getting married, but I have ideas or questions. I would appreciate your opinion. In general the thought of being married is a scary one for the following reasons: 1).. More

  • Repents of Zina with Wife's Mother

    I committed Zina with the mother of my wife. Now I am living with my wife in another country, and I made sincere repentance. And my wife loves me too much. It may be easy for me that we separate, but not for her. On the other hand, we have three children, should the children be with me or with my wife? Anyway, I am ready for any fatwa solution according.. More

  • Frigidity in Marriage

    My wife is not easily aroused sexually while I am the opposite. She does not want to use medicine to help us be more capable. What is the solution? .. More

  • Delaying Having Child So Wife Can Work

    Is it permissible to delay having a child so that the wife can work, as in the western world? .. More