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selamaleykum... a person today explained to me that human being 1st establishes bones and then gets clothed with flesh according to sura 2 verse 259 yet modern day science is supposedly in contradiction with this and that in actually it is the bone and flesh which progress at the same time? Please explain. Jazakum Allah.. More
Scientists say there are other planets which may or may not have surviving forms of life.
1) I would like to ask if there is any mention of this in the Quran or Hadeeth (narration), or if it was mentioned by the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, that there are planets other than the earth where life can exist and survive.
2) Should we.. More
I would like to ask you a question concerning the seven heavens.Firstly, are the seven heavens like universes that are one above the other? Or even like dimensions? Furthermore, the Quran states (I can't remember the exact quotation or verse) but something like: "We have adorned the lowest heaven with ornaments, the planets." So what exactly exists.. More
Is it true that Sheik Bin Baz (may Allah have mercy on him) gave a Fatwa that the earth is flat? Can I have the text of the Fatwa?.. More
What is the explanation to the Ayah where Allah states when salt water and sweet water go through each other and do not mix... More
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