Salam Alaikom
Is learning and using artificial intelligence haram ? some part of it try to simulate how a human brain works like artificial neural networks to learn over time and became more efficient at a certain programmed task. May Allah reward you.
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My question is ragading purity as i am very concious about purity.There are certain things which i note from Day to Day affairs , pls aclarify them. If blood comes from someone mouth , how many times he has to wash his mouth to purify it.If blood comes and someone is not able to purify it and after some time pure saliva comes out does it means that.. More
assaslam walay kum. i am a teenager who hasn't menstruated yet. Doctors have said that I have no womb meaning I am infertile. I am also kind of male. I am probably genetically male and female. doctors think i can have intercourse if i use a dilator for my vagina. my parents have told me i can't get married. i am a sunni. I am only a teenager but i am.. More
Assalaam alaikum, I have read the difference among scholars regarding the place of intellect,whether it is the heart or brain, but we see In quraan and hadeeth that heart is described as a place for intellect Beware! There is a piece of flesh in the body, if it is reformed, the whole body becomes good, but if it gets spoilt the whole body gets spoilt;.. More
As Salaamu Alaykum, I understand that it is forbidden for a Muslim to wear a cross. I use AutoCAD (I do not know whether you are familiar with this programme but I use it to design building plans and the like). Now the cursor (mouse pointer) of it turns to a cross when drawing lines – most likely to make line placement more precise. Is this permissible.. More
I initially ordered a phone line with an internet connection, but I don’t remember what my intention behind it was(was it completely bad or there was some good in it too)…now I hope that I will not return to those internet sins…but the problem which I am facing now is that the internet connection is used by my brothers and sisters and other family.. More
Regarding fatwa number 83401, I understand that the scholars have agreed that the best remedy for waswaas is to simply ignore it and inshAllah it will definitely go away. However does this not go against the Sunnah as I thought the Hadith advice seeking refuge with Allah from the shaythan? I feel that they contradict as I often find my thoughts are.. More
As-slaamu Alaykum, I am a architecture student and i am requires to use drawings of people to show scale in drawings. i understand we should get rid of the facial features to reduce the sin. If i colour in a drawing of a person standing in profile in black so you cannot see his eyes or mouth or any other facial detail, though the nose sticks out,.. More
Assalamu alaikum.Based on fatwa 186419 , I know increase height using exercise and eating nutrition is permissible.The change is permanent because our bone will grow.My question is can we use this technique for any reasons?Including increase height for beauty especially for NORMAL HEIGHT person? Surely this will boost self confidence too and give.. More
Aselamu aleykum, My question is regarding cosmetic surgery. I was born with a nose too short at its end that people refer to it as 'flat'. I have family members making fun of me since childhood and asking where i came from because i look different from everybody around. Even today as an adult, children sometimes make fun of me (some have even asked.. More
Assalaamu 'alaykum, is it allowed to play electronic games where the main storyline/goal of the game is admissible but in the game there are some secondary elements of kufr or shirk? For example, there is a football game where you should manage a football team. The main storyline/goal of the game is to win football cups and competitions, but.. More
Assalamu alaikum.There is research state that human body can still growth,2-3 inch for aldult people through exercise and eating nutrition to increase growth hormone. I have normal height.My question is can i use this technique(exercise and eating) to increase my normal height? Is that regarded as objecting to the decree of Allah? Become taller.. More
Assalam Alaikum Wa Rah Wa Bar, I am the Sheikh/Imam at Masjid Preston, I have a question requesting clarification. There is system called semi hair tattooing for balding men. Your hair must be shaved or trimmed short for the system to look good. The system is used to fix defects in the skull from surgery and also to give the impression that someone.. More
Asalaamu Alaykum, JazakAllah Khairyn for the work you are doing through your website. My question is: To what extent is it permissible to make money (profit) from Islamic things? For example, if one has a service on a website where Muslims (and anyone) can put their email address and sign up for free to receive ahadith and other Islamic literature.. More
Assalamu Aleykum, I am planning to write a story about the boy and the king for children of the age 10+ I have in the past authored Islamic books for children, but they were all fictional stories that I have made up. That's why I'm a bit weary writing this one as it was a related Hadith from the prophet (saw). I do notwant to do anything that.. More