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Recently I was on a leave to my native place in India. The Imam of our mosque repeatedly declared in his two Friday sermons that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had knowledge of the unseen, and those who don't believe in this are hypocrites. Secondly, he translated the meaning of Shahadah as: "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad (SAW) is the messenger of.. More
1. What is the date of the death of the Prophet Muhammad ?
2. Does the Qur'an allow the depiction of human beings in any form or is it only human representations of God that are forbidden?.. More
I heard that after the demise of our Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam), his Namaz-e-Janaza was done by Jibrail, then Mikhail, etc. then other people it seems. Is this true? Please give strong proofs... More
Has anybody ever photographed the grave of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)? Can anyone go to the grave of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)? Is the grave covered with high walls? Please provide a detailed answer with reference to history books about the grave of the Prophet (SAW). .. More
Please tell me the exact date and time that our beloved Prophet Muhammad [SAW] died... More
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