Assalamualykum Could you please advice about sucking of fingers after eating food.Is it sunnah?Can suck fingers during eating?or it is after finishing eating.pls advice Regards Khan kangazha.. More
Is is permissible to eat whily lying down.. More
assalam wa alykum what is the sunnah way of eating food? how should it be eaten, whether it should be eaten by all the five fingers or 3 fingers (thumb,index finger and middle finger) because some people say that sunnah way of eating is with 3fingers only(mentioned above)?.. More
Salaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaah ... Dear Shaikh, Please advice if we can drink with our left hand while supporting the glass with our right hand (from the bottom), as is usually practiced in India? Jazaak Allaahu Khairan.. More
Assalamu Alikum, Before Eating we say 'Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem'. But recently i heard, We should say, 'Bismillah' and Not 'Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem'. Is this true? If so, on what occations we should say 'Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem'? Please nee your answer. .. More
is there any haadith on whether one can talk while eating or not. Someone said there is an hadith that said Jews make noise while eating and christien keep silent althrough, and that based on this, ROSUL (SAW) ordered us to be inbetween, neither too noisy nor too silent. Is there any hadith like this? if yes where can we find it? may Allah ease the.. More
Is it true many people eating from a single large plate is better and is Sunnah? And if there is any Hadeeth regarding this matter?.. More
Are you allowed to face the Qiblah when you are eating? .. More
Is it necessary in Islam to eat with hand? It’s not allowed to use spoon. I dislike drinking or eating in the used utensil without washing it. Is it sin? .. More
May Allaah reward you for all the efforts that you have put in this web site. Please I would like to know how Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, used to drink water during a meal. Was he having a drink while eating or at the end of the meal? .. More
The Tableeghee Jama'at people, after having food, drink water from the same vessel/container, with their mouths. Is it from the Sunnah? I think that it is unhealthy/unhygienic. Please do reply. .. More
I have a doubt regarding drinking milk in a transparent glass in front of others. Is it permissible? .. More
In the drinking of Zam-Zam water, which is preferred, drinking the water in three gulp or drinking one's fill? I ask because sometimes you may have to drink more than three gulps to reach your fill and sometimes one or two gulps may be enough to get to your fill. .. More
Is it Haram to waste food, or not to eat all the food on your plate? give me text please... More
Is drinking water from a bottle allowed in Islam? .. More
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