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Is it true that Prophet Muhammed
said that we should honour anIslamic scholarwhenever we meet one at an occasion? Which hadith says that?
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What is the role of muslim scholars in society?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I am a sister who tries to seek knowledge. I am campaigning for Muslim prisoners, and it is often difficult for me to keep up with both matters. My mind is busied with these thoughts every day. Both things are really time consuming, but I do not want to give up on seekig knowledge, nor do I want to.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to know which scholars, Companions, or Tabi'is (generation following the Companions) started to seek knowledge at an older age. I hope that you can provide me some examples and state the age when they started to seek knowledge. May Allaah reward you.
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Shaykh, I want to learn engineering, but I worry about my salary when I will get a job because most companies in wich people work get their intial income from a haram source. wWat advice do you give me? Should I learn the subject or stop right now and not waste my time and money?
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Is it true that Allaah gave Idrees, may Allaah exalt his mention, food from Paradise? And Why?
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Is it true that Allaah appointed a crow for Ilyaas, may Allaah exalt his mention, to get bread for him.
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Assalaamu alaykum. I heard that it is really hard to specialize in more that one subject for scholars. Is that true or can a scholar be a specialist in more than one field? Also, what advice can you give to someone who wants to become a student of knowledge?
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After the Isha prayer everyday, in a mosque of our community, some hadiths are read from different books (for a durarion of about 25 to 30 minutes) by a person, and we are few people who listen to it. Is it sinful if I or someone left the program (or a program like a 'dars' or 'bayan' of any Islamicially literate person) at the middle although he does.. More
Asalaamu alaykum. There is somoene whom I know who has a big problem; can you please write me a specific fatwa on it? Someone I know had a lot of doubts about Islam, so he brought one hundred books and went online and found many courses and many lecutres, hundreds of them. He found many studies of many books and many many classes and courses. He is.. More
Assalaamu alaykum, I am an American boy who is in highschool. I signed up for a world history class last year, and I am now taking the course. I took a test, and on one of the questions, it said that Jesus, may Allaah exalt his mention,was crucified, as most americans believe, although we know he was not. So by being a part of that class or being a.. More
Is speaking about things one does not know properly a sin?Is speaking about things one does not remember correctly a sin?Is speaking about things one does not know at all a sin?
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Aslamualaakum. I heard somone say that Anas said he used to go and hear the hadith from the messenger of Allah then he would go and review it with other sahabah. Is this authentic and is it in Bukhari.
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I am a student in 2nd year of college. I try to give some time to getting islamic knowledge, such as learning the quran and knowing about verious islamic problems. Somtimes, this results in poor academic performance, such as when I have to do some research about a particular thing, asking or reading from multiple sources, and also because I keep records.. More
asalam I intend to study online and I wonder whether is it permissible to be taught from a non muslim woman online (there is teaching one to one coaching and other with multiple people like a webinar ? and is it permissible to watch the news in tv when the journalist is non muslim woman and the second question is ;is it permissible to listen to a female.. More
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