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My parents are practically at war with me for being a Sunni. I want advice on what to do because I was even forced to shave off my beards recently which sadden me to the core depth of my heart. Note that I just started practising sunnah and I want to practise it to the maximum best of my ability because I know that this is the only way to worship Allah.. More
Assalamualaikum. My mother wants me to tell her about any problems that I have. I find it highly uncomfortable to discuss my problems with people I know, and some of my problems involve sins that I previously committed or situations that were embarrassing for me. Am I obligated to tell her about all of my problems? Thank you.
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I want to buy a car, and I will be using own money that I get payed from work. In 2020 I told my father I wanted to by a car but he gave my excuses not to buy it and I asked again in 2021 and the same excuses he gave me. Now in 2022 still I didn’t get any valid reason not to buy it . Do I have the right to go to the dealership to buy the car and it’s.. More
Assalamu alaykum,I am tired of my father deceiving me and my mother using Islam as a weapon to abuse me mercilessly. My younger brother strangled me yesterday with his legs to murder me. My mother never admits her wrong doings to me, rather she blames me
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Onca if a muslim after praying told god that she loves her parents more than god but didnt knew this would take her out of islamThen repented and when got to know recited kalima at that time she didnt knew about the islamic ruling that u cant islamically obey parents on sinful matters Now after repenting for what she ignorantly saidIf incase she follows.. More
A girl didn’t want to study in co-education. But many people kept telling her to study there by saying many things. The parents of the girl also wanted her to study there. One day, the mother of a girl she knows called her on phone to convince her to study there. The woman said something like, “As disobeying Allah is a type of kufr, disobeying one's.. More
If a man’s parents compel him to divorce his wife, should he obey them?What is the view of Madhab As Shafi’ee
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Assalamu Aleikum. I used to take my father's money without him knowing when I was younger and this matter is tormenting me greatly. I read in a fatwa that my repentance will not be accepted unless I return to my father what is rightfully his even without him knowing and that's what I'm planning to do insha'Allah. The problem is that I don't remember.. More
I have a question concerning announcing the marriage. Is it permissible for a man to delay telling his parents that he has gotten married? Also, should the man avoid consummating the marriage until his parents are aware of the situation?
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Assalamualaikum. There is a question from a married woman. She has been married for 3 years, but she lives with her parents because she is the only child of her parents. She has a permission from her husband to live with her parents. In two occassions, she took tests for being a public officer, but she failed with slightly-little gap in score from the.. More
Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, I have to do kaffara for broken promises i need to fast but my parents are not allowing me to fast and they don't know that i am fasting for kaffara and i am not able to tell them the truth,i just say them that i am fasting from tomorrow for three days and they do not allow me to fast as i don't tell them.. More
20 years ago, my father sent me overseas. During that time I worked hard and Allah SWT blessed me financially. I sent a lot of money back home to help my family and with this help, they were able to move up financially. A bigger home was purchased, my siblings were educated and married using this money. It was also used for regular living expenses... More
I have breastfed my foster child upon the request of his parents up yo the age of 2yrs. His parents divorced and mother left. My husband and I took him to her as he wished yo get yo know her. She did not want him back. His father has been present however never contributed financially. Now at the age of 24 the young man wants to get married and his biological.. More
Asalam. I'm 27 years old and a divorcee. I need to know more about marriage related fatwa. My parents are forcing me to marry a person, but I don't like it. Im interested in a proposal, but parents rejected it just because of financial background. And they are abusing me with worse words.. I'm in deep pain.. I'm keeping silent, because I'm afraid that.. More
Father has different opinions than me and he forces me to wear pants below ankles and makes me repeat after an electronic adhan and recite intention out loud and he gets mad at me for other things. Should I follow his opinions? Or keep my own? (Also why was I not answered last time, I was told that my question was too long, but it was under 2a000 characters... More
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