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Is it considered begging to ask money from Parents?. I am an 18 year old college student and my main source of income comes from my parents, they give me money once a week and sometimes i remind them to give me money on time. And also is it considered begging when i ask money from my parents without a case of necessity such as for hanging out, shopping.. More
Asalamu Alaikum. I have a dilemma where i married a muslimah without telling my parents because they don’t want me to marry her simply because she is not from my country. I tried for the past yesr to convince my parents that they should let me, but even my siblings told me bluntly that they will never agree because that want me to marry only from.. More
As-salamu aleykum.I study Islam for many hours during my days but I have this constant burden on my heart that I am sinful for not teaching my family and especially my younger brother who is 16 and doesn’t pray regularly. I feel like they are not open for these topics and don’t like to go beyond the cultural norm, Allah knows why. I simply don’t.. More
Assalamu alaikum Sheikh. There is a man I do not love, should I marry him out of pity or obedience to parents?Thank you Sheikh
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Assalamualaykum, I have a very serious issue I don’t know what to do about this.My parents are not happy with me Firstly I would like to highlight the problems with me I’m 19 year old and I weigh 120 kg I’m very overweight as a result, I reduce my food intake and exercise.Someone told me that I should eat less and move more, and also stop eating.. More
Assalamuwalaikum..My question is about my father who has no control over his anger..He sometimes gets angry over very small issues and something without any logic..I know about paternal rights of kind treatment from their children but sometimes he get so much aggressive that he strangle my younger brother or hit him so badly..just for things like didn't.. More
Salam Alaikum:
Does an adult child have to obey his / her parents in observing Islamic themes and fixing behavioral traits - in the case of: (a) child living with parents; and (b) child living separately from parents?:
1) Observing Islamic themes, such as cleanliness, discipline, organization, good appearance, avoiding allergic foods, taking care.. More
Asalamo aleikoum wa rahmatulah. If a person wants to ask forgivness to his parents for any disrespectdul act he may have done towards them can he do this in a general manner for example saying: Mum can you forgive me anytime I made you angry or I may have done uqoq to you? .If she accepts and say yes, will Allah accept this even if she does not remember.. More
Salam Alaikum:
Parents have strived for a relationship between grandparents and grandchildren, but the grandparents have not taken a single step to build any relationship and have no justification for this. So there is no relationship between grandparents and grandchildren, even though there is relationship between parents and granparents based on.. More
How to deal with tyrant dad, who don't listen to us what ever he says we have to hear and obey him. But if it go against Quran and sunnah,what should I do not listen anyone.then he will oppress us for not listening him. Whom should I ask for help.
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I want to stop using my car, but my mother wants me to carry on using it so that I can help her out with things. The problem is that my savings aren't huge and road tax and insurance will cost me over £1000, and on top of that I will have to pay for fuel, servicing, MOT, and for the car to be towed if it breaks down. What do you advise? Could I ask.. More
My grandparent is in hospital and was on the verge of dying at one point so my parent has of course been very upset and stressed at times. The problem is because of this situation making them so busy, my parent has started asking me to take female family members who don’t wear hijab to the hospital or to school and so on. I just don’t know what.. More
Alsalam Alikum,
So I am guy with long curly hair that lives in a European country. My parents want me to cut it because they think it is imitating women which is haram, but my hair doesn’t look like women’s hair. They pointed out that when my hair gets wet it reaches the top part of my back but when it drys it compresses to shoulder length. So.. More
Asalaamualaikum. I would like to know how to deal with a bad relationship between my father and I. I'm aware that I am supposed to be treating him kindly and have also been told that the pleasure of Allah lies with the pleasure of parents. However, after a series of events, I see myself losing respect for my father and wanting to have nothing to do.. More
How to deal with parents who are noticeably partial towards some of their children,
but categorically deny it when informed regarding it. They may not know they commit such an act, but it is pretty evident. No matter what, the parents take sides with the younger children
against the eldest. This undermines the authority the eldest child has on any.. More
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