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I have a 13-year old brother and I know his hormones are raging at this age to have sex, and I have recently caught him masturbating and don't know what shall I do has he is to young to get married. .. More
I am a well educated girl 26 years old. I have a good job and wearing Hijaab. I masturbate whenever I get the chance. I enjoy talking about sex and watch naked guys on the net. But never show myself it gets worse with me. But I never do anything in real I fear God and marriage is not an option now. You know we girls don't have the first step.. More
Are we allowed to provide a semen sample through masturbation? I am pretty sure that we are not but would like confirmation from a scholar regarding this issue. .. More
I am very much worried about my bad habit of masturbation. I have been involved in it for last many years, now my age is 23. I have applied all the rules to get rid of it, but in vain. In fact I offer prayers, keep all the fasts, and try to follow the dictates of Islaam. But at night I am overwhelmed by sexual emotions and can't control it. Kindly.. More
What is the rulings/punishment of Islaam on a girl who sucked her own breast?.. More
I have a friend who is married and his wife is in another country he goes there whenever he can. He has asked me regarding masturbation and I have told him is a sin and is considered Haraam in majority of scholars but I told him if one fears for committing adultery then is masturbation is better than adultery. And this I think its from Imam.. More
Why do you say that if wife/husband is ill or one went far away for a few days then masturbation by either of them in the absence of the other is an illegal sexual act? There is no fornication here. Moreover, masturbation relieves him of sexual tension and prevents him from fornication. Hope you will answer this question. Thank you... More
Is it Halal for a married woman to masturbate given that she does not feel anything during intercourse?
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I am 44 years old and not married. I have engaged in masturbation for a long time. My parents did not arrange for me to marry. Since my friend told me about her wedding night I have had this habit. I cannot subdue my desires. There is no one who can help me. Is this Haram? What can I do now? I have tried many times to leave this practice but failed... More
I am young boy of 24 years old. My marriagehas been delayeddue to some reasons. But I have too much sexual desire. Torelieve these desiresI am masturbating while imagining a beautiful girl. If I did not do soI fearthe strength of these sexual desires could lead to Zina or other bad things. I heard that Sheikh Yousef Qaradawi permitted.. More
Sometimes while I am sitting on the toilet, I ejaculate a little sperm, which come out as a result of pressing out excrement. After realizing this, I get out the rest of sperm by masturbation, knowing that, if I don’t do this, I will all the time have problems in Wudu; because, some water like sperm comes out. Is what I am doing alright?.. More
Would Allah forgive a woman that has intercourse with her husband but wasn't satisfied so she did masturbation while showering?.. More
I live in Hong Kong. I married three years ago and every year I visit my country and my wife asked me to buy for her plastic penis to use it if she feels hot. I don't know if this is Halal or Haram. Please answer me. I wait, but no answer I don't know why. .. More
I have been married for two years now. I am 17 years old and my husband is 26. The amount of sex he gives me is not enough. I always have the desire. Just a while ago, I used to masturbate allot. I had an orgasm 2-3 a day while he was at work. I always felt guilty and repented. Now I have stopped, Al-Hamdu Lillah! But he still does not give me enough.. More
My husband is in Europe for his job. I always miss my husband and often masturbate. I am a god-fearing lady, but get carried away in feelings ,sometimes and masturbate. I feel I do no evil and am loyal to my husband. Instead of doing any Haraam act I cool my arousing mood by masturbation. Am I doing wrong? Please help me.
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