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I live in an Arabic society which does not respect Islam and I practice masturbation. What are its bad and good sides?.. More
What does the Islam says about self-masturbating? Is it true if you did such an act that your prayers for 40 days are not accepted?
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I am a male, 17, living in Canada. I have a question that I am a bit embarrassed to ask. I find myself always tempted by women. Sometimes, I loose my mind and resort to masturbation once or twice every single day, and at other times on the Internet I visit pornographic web sites. I feel that I am addicted to looking at nude ladies, I want myself to.. More
I am student of medicine living in abroad in non-Muslim country. I am unmarried and my parents say that when I will finish study they will marry me. But here, in this country, it is impossible for me to marry because of my family restrictions. Here are a lot of bad girls and very difficult for me to save myself from major sin. So, I am masturbating.. More
Assalaamalaikum I would like your advice on a personal matter. Before I reverted to Islam I used to masturbate and even now I still occasionally get the urge. As I am not married I feel there is no other way to control it. I read in some hadiths that I should fast to remove desires but this is not enough to remove the desire. Please advise me.
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I am a Muslim man, not married yet, never committed adultery. I live in Canada and I am exposed to Fitna a lot. When I get a sexual urge, I don't masturbate but I use a pillow as a substitute to fulfil my desire. Is this behavior Haram?
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I am a married woman. I masturbated while my husband was away. Is that adultery?
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I wonder if it is a sin for a Muslim to have sexual thoughts which makes one ejaculate. I have asked many brothers but never got a satisfactory answer with proof.
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Is the guy who masturbates cursed?
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What is the verdict of masturbation for someone who is away from home most of the year in another country for work?. Please advise us to help us clean our souls.
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What is the punishment of masturbating in the Day of Judgment? Does masturbation make you go to Hell?
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Can you masturbate not using your hand? Is that allowed?
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It is allowed to use sex instruments in Islam like Penis (vibrators and other sex instruments) for single woman and man?
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I received information via the Internet about exercises that will help lengthen my penis. The exercises require one to touch his penis to cause semi or full erection for one hour or more. I want to use these techniques for their intended purpose and not for masturbation. I am overly concerned about the relatively small size of my organ and I would.. More
My wife is in my country, not with me. Can I have, as it is called, 'phone sex' with her? Talking sex and doing masturbation? Sex is a natural desire. It's very, very hard for me to avoid it. This 'phone thing' helps me keep calm... More
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