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Scholars, I had a question on sins:1. Does boasting of ones sins make them a kafir? I read that ibn uthaymeen said one who does so should be killed? Is this valid?2. I was wondering, does envy or having ill thoughs about a fellow muslim make one a kafir3. Lastly, what if someone loves a sin/commiting a sin, does that make them a kafir? I mean, they.. More
Assalamualaikum,when is it halal to reveal sins? There is this Muslim who renewed his shahada after apostasy, he said it is halal to reveal sins that were done in ignorance (as a kafir) because the sahaba did this. I disagreed with him, and told him that some sahaba told about their sins to teach people a lesson like Ka'ab ibn Malik (r.a) when he taught.. More
Assalamualaikum. There is no doubt that any person who boasts about sin and consider that particular sin permissible, is a kaffir. But what about that sort of person who brags about his sins, but at the same time in his heart he considers those sins and bragging about as impermissible too. My understanding is that the latter one would not be deem kaafir,.. More
What is the difference between pride and arrogance? In which case is pride permitted? Please, kindly give examples of behaviour which indicates arrogance. Is looking down upon people considered arrogance?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to know whether laughing out loud is haram in Islam; and secondly, someone mentioned that laughing loudly is a devil's laugh and that we should refrain from laughing loudly. Kindly advise with references. Salaam.
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What is the ruling on people who are narcissistic and look down on people? Is it a major sin? Even if they are better than others and more skilled, do they have the right to look down upon people? If we are annoyed with or feel hatred towards this type of people, are we sinning?
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Is it Kufr (disbelief) to mock or be disgusted by someone who has married an older woman? I am asking as I have seen this happen. Many muslims do this very often even though they know that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,married Khadeejah, may Allaah be pleased with her.
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Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question. I and my female classmates have a sport class. Durung the exercise, many of them slip in a funny way. The person falling would laugh, and we would also laugh with them. Is this sinful? If we laugh at a person without intending to mock him and they do not mind, is it sinful? Please reply, thank you.
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Assalaamu alaykum. I have two questions. Some days ago, a Muslim friend of mine told me a secret about him, and I kept it secret from everybody. One day, however, I unintentionally told another friend about it! I forgot that it was a secret! I regretted it right there and then! Now I do not know how to repent! The friend who told me the secret does.. More
What is the ruling on mocking one of the customs or rituals of the non-Muslims even though one fears that this may have been a custom sent down by Allaah to earlier specific generations? One such custom may be putting stickers on one's head, which Hindus do. I thought that this might be a custom sent by Allaah to a specific generation through an earlier.. More
Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykhs. Is gossiping and playing mobile games by students sitting on the back bench while classes are going on a kind of cheating? May Allaah reward you.
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Assalaamu alaykum. My father, my brother-in-law, and my brother, as well as a person whom I know, have made changes in their house without a permit, which is illegal. So what should I do; should I report them to the authorities, which will result in a fine of 50,000 dollars, or should they demolish the changes that they made?
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Assalaamu alaykum, in the Name of Allaah! Is it permissible for a Muslim to ask his fellow Muslims for help in general matters like, for example: 1) Could you get me a mobile from abroad; I will pay you money? 2) A woman asking her husband to get some sweets from the shop? 3) Asking a Muslim friend to give you notes to study for an exam? 4) Asking an.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Could you please throw some light on the subject of skipping classes in college and school according to Islam? Also, please explain how to deal with Muslim friends who do so. May Allaah reward you.
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My friend has done something bad in her past. She regrets it, and when she told me about it she made me swear by Allaah that I would not tell anyone, but people at the masjid are suspicious. They keep asking me about her and whether she has done that something. If i say, "I do not know," then that would be a lie, because I do know. If i say, "No," then.. More
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