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When I was child I was attacked by some persons. Today I am 29 years old, and suffer in the society and many people look at me like a dishonoured person. I suffer psychological depression, because I haven't found the way to go out of this situation. Can I kill those persons, I am very tired of this life. Please help me, I am your brother in Islam... More
I know somebody's secret and I am eager to tell it to others, but I'm reluctant. I don't know the Islamic ruling about it. The person begged me not to tell her secrets to other and I asked for some favors in return (blackmail). My other question is can I accept money from such kind of blackmailing, meaning is this money Halal for me? The person whose.. More
Sometimes in my dreams or when I am about to go to sleep I imagine that I am having intercourse with a woman, sometimes in the bath, too; I was shocked. Am I doing something Haram? Please tell me as soon as possible. Is it ok to think about sex and women? What does Ghusl mean?
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I want to know how Islam deals with masturbation. I have a friend that sometimes cannot stand it and she starts masturbating and when I am angry with her, she asked is it better to have sex with man and make Zina? What do you think about that? I need an answer because these days she looks so depressed because I told her, you will never be forgiven and.. More
I committed Zina once in my life and God covered me and nobody know about that, and I feel sorry for what I did and I ask forgiveness from God.I'm going to get married, what if the girl I'm going to marry asked me if I committed adultery before and what if she asked me to swear to God?
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From the past few months I have been very depressed. I felt as if none of my supplications or prayers are being accepted. At first, I stopped making supplications after the prayers, then for 2-3 days I stopped praying. I'm feeling very bad about it and started praying again but I still feel like nothing good is to come in my life. I'm studying medicine.. More
What actions can I take to protect myself from envy? Which Surahs or verses can I read to protect myself from envy?
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I always get angry with my brother and put pressure on him. I would like you to tell me if that is forbidden or not and thank you very much for your help.
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Is one allowed to listen to someone's conversation secretly if you think they are talking about you?
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I have asked for your help before and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your efforts. My situation is that many times I get urges or feelings to ask Allah to cause me something bad, such as failing in my work, or losing my health, or becoming hideous. I try to resist these feelings but sometimes I give in and ask Allah for something bad. I feel.. More
Could you please give us the Hadith that the Rasul forbade slapping on the face?.. More
What is the Islamic view about Muslim who spend a lot of money to purchase something expensive, e.g. buying a car, jewelry, buying or renovate their house which cost hundred thousand of dollars?
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