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is it haram for a women to take bath while standing? is it necessary to take bath in sunnah way on friday so that our sin of previuos week be forgiven?.. More
Salam, i am 17 years old and i have a 20 years old sister. she is un-married, she had an accident in the kitchen due to which both her hands are fully bandaged, including fingers (doctor said she has 2-3 layers of skin boiled). Now she cannot do anything on her own, since my mum is nt physically fit to help her, i have to help my sister with evrything... More
Assalamo alaikom, may I ask you a question please. is it permited to perform gusl (tahara koubra, like after sexual intercourse) with soap and shampoo, because I have been told it wasn't. in such a case why would that be knowing that it is more hygienic than plain water alone, and beside that I can't stand doing ghusl with water alone so I find my self.. More
Assalamu AleikumIn my youth , i use to masturbate and have a bath afterwards but was not aware of the obligations and conditions of ghusl at that time. Some tim elater i came to know about the obligations such as niyyah and water touching every part of the body.I am worried now as to whether i should reperform my salah which i perfromed during that.. More
As salam alaikum. want an urgent help 2 solve my problem. I m suffuring from waswasulqahri since my child hood and bcaz of this after my marriage i had to do wadoo and had 2 make bath several time in one ritual bath . it was very difficult and lot of time was waisting. so being tired i left doing wadoo b4 bath and started 2 take as simple bath with.. More
Assalamualikum, I would like to ask that after sex/intercourse with his wife who should be GHUSUL first, husband of wife? Some peoples say that woman should GHUSUL first... More
What is the method of performing Ghusl (a ritual bath) after having sex? Is it correct that a woman is obliged to insert her hand in her vagina in order to remove the sperm that remained at the beginning of the womb?.. More
Is it permissible for a woman to perform Ghusl (ritual bath) straight after sexual intercourse? It should be noted that the sperm may still come out [of her private parts] even after Ghusl. .. More
I want to know whether or not it is an obligation for a bride to get rid of the hair spray when performing Ghusl (ritual bath) before performing the prayer of marriage, or is being a bride a special case? .. More
Does dandruff affect the validity of Ghusl (ritual bath) as it is difficult to completely get rid of it even when using shampoo? .. More
Is it permissible for a woman to bathe her elderly father taking into account that he is able to move? [What is the ruling on this?] .. More
I want to know how much time duration we can have between menses stopping and making Ghusl. Should we make Ghusl immediately after menses stop or should consider odd days for making Ghusl? .. More
After having slept with your husband then you purify yourself but after coming out of the toilet and you still find out that something is coming out from your private parts do you have to go and make Tahaara again starting from the first to last or just wash yourself and continue with the prayers that you have miss... More
My question isabout the ruling for females making Ghusl (ablution). I recently got married and realised that it is too difficult for women to take afull bath, including washing the hair every time after intercourse specially in winter. I want to know if women can take a bath without undoing their hair braids and without wetting the whole scalp.. More
How does one perform Ghusl during Ramadan if one has sexual discharge?.. More
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