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I prayed behind someone for about eight months but later discovered that he is a sponsored christian who has some knowledge of Islam. He was never muslim. What is the status of the prayers that I prayed behind him?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I wanted to ask about burping whilst reciting the Faatihah during prayer. I was praying behind my imam when I felt the accumulation of gas in my throat. I ignored it and while I was reciting the Faatihah, I felt it release and even heard it. I was reciting the Faatihah not completely silently but with some sound, and the burp sounded.. More
Assalaamu alaukum. I was arguing with my friends in the room. They wanted to sleep, and I wanted to study. So I switched on the light at my side and switched it off at the other side. They insisted on me switching off all of them. Then, during the argument, he told me that there is a hadith that states that a Muslim who disturbs other Muslims will have.. More
Once, I accidentally prayed to the left of the imam in congregation; only the imam and I were praying. What should I do about that prayer, should I repeat it; should the imam repeat it? I remember that it was either the Dhuhr or the 'Asr prayer.
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Assalamu alaykum. Sometimes, when I bend over to bow or prostrate and say 'Allaahu Akbar', I forget whether I actually said it or not and repeat it. I did that just now for the Thuhr prayer but then felt that I did not properly say Allaahu Akbar properly and repeated it. I was already warned by a religious friend of mine that repeating one of these.. More
Is one's prayer invalid if he goes to the mosque in order to enjoy the weather but would not have gone to the mosque otherwise?
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I know that laughing out loud invalidates Salah, but what about a quite laugh like that is not as obvious as laughing out loud - does this also invalidate Salah?
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I was performing the ‘Isha prayer in congregation in the mosque and the cell phone of one of the worshipers rang twice. The Imaam spoke during the prayer and said, "Please, switch off the cell phone." What is the religious ruling for such an act? Does this invalidate the prayer of only the Imaam or that of the Ma'mumeen (those who pray behind the.. More
I used to make these mistakes in my prayers in the past:
1- Failing to make the intention in a correct manner; I used to pronounce it loudly, like the Azaan.
2- I did not say As-Salah Al-Ibraheemiyyah (the wording of sending peace and blessings of Allaah on the Messenger, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, after the final Tashahhud).
3- I did.. More
As-salaamu 3laikum. I am pregnant and I often experience a situation where a little vomit comes into my mouth but goes back down without coming out. Usually when I am praying and I go into sujood I get an uncomfortable feeling of pressure but usually nothing happens. However, the other day a little vomit came into my mouth while I was in sujood and.. More
Salamu walikum, Since becoming pregnant i have had the problem that if i sneeze or cough a drop of urine comes out. During salah i was in tashahhud and i had coughed in my sitting position and a drop of urine came out. I repeated the prayer but was unsure what the ruling was regarding this situation. in future instances, should i just repeat the prayer.. More
is making a hmn sound in prayer okay due to thinking about Allah? or as a relief of stress? or as a relief of anger? when in prayer and I am meditating about the verses and a really lovely feeling occurs i make this sound.. but similar sounds in other situations.. .. More
Assalaamu alaykum. If a person says in prayer while sitting between the two sujoods "rabbifirlii" instead of "rabbighfirlii" Or if he makes mistakes in some other parts of the prayer. What should he do? Can he just repeat the word? If a person stammers or loses his voice during the prayer and has to take air, for example if he says: "Alham... Alhamdulillahi.. More
Salam i have a friend who is suffering quite a lot while trying to do Salah everytime he starts reciting fateha he has the overwhelming need/feel to speak or swear so that his Salah gets broken and that he starts reciting again. In congreational Salah he bites his tongue so that he doesn't speak or swear, this only happens in Salah its come to a point.. More
I ate something which might not be halal.l and now I an worried about the validity of my prayers Is non halal meat najis? What if it had pork? I have also eaten pork when I think I probably wasn't Muslim.. Are my prayers valid and what about cleaning myself? What if they had alcohol, I ate them willingly but they might or might not have had alcohol.. More
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