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Is Agarbathi business acceptable in Islam (halal or Haram)
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There is a shop girls sell food. they are uncovered/not wearing Hijab so is it permissible for boys to buy food even there are so many shop where boys sell food?
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It is allowed for muslim men to do business lingerie(undergarments).
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Assalamualaikum Well I want to ask if I run a dropshipping business wherein I display these products on online selling sites provided by third parties where there is a service fee of a certain percentage of the price of the item(s) sold for every transaction, is this kind of thing allowed ? Are there any restrictions or special requirements for this?.. More
with reference to question 2513547, i want to elaborate contract for hiring of car from bank. (1) bank purchased a car and registered on the name of bank. tracker was installed by bank and takaful is paid by bank also i.e all asset related expenses are paid by bank as car is property of bank. (b) however freight and federal excise duty were paid by.. More
Salam Alykum, I found in the market a dinner set (plates, knives, forks, spoons, etc...) the price is 3,200 dollars. no gold, no sliver, no diamonds. The question is what does Islam (Quran & Sunnah) say about the purchase?
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as salamu alaykom respect shiekh .. i am asking you a question on behalf of another sister ,, should would like to know .. A sister bought grave plots before she became muslim. Now a family member wants to buy the graves from her. Is it permissible to sell it, especially since it's in a non muslim cemetary, and if so, should she sell it for what she.. More
Assalam o alaikum I am planning to finance a car without interest, I went to a dealer few days ago and he told me that what they do for us Muslims is that they buy from bank and sell us for a higher price (that essentially includes the interest which dealer pays to bank and they add it up to the total price), now does Islam allows us to get involved.. More
my friend's husband has a halal restaurant where they allow people to bring their own alcohol but do not sell alcohol. can i accept gifts or food from them?
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aslam o alaikum!! Today I went to shop to buy something to eat. I went to a worker and she gave me a slip on which it was written that what I had to buy and I also gave her the required money. Then I went to the other ones to get that thing but inspite of asking it again and again no one listened. a girl who was standing nearby said me to take that.. More
I want to buy a car through an Islamic bank, but I heard about the difference in opinions among the scholars in this respect. Some consider it prohibited, others consider it lawful, and so on.
When I was visiting the Holy Mosque in Makkah, a Shaykh was giving a lecture and he said that this transaction is unanimously considered impermissible by Shaykhs.. More
I know a hadith says buying gold/silver must be on spot. But online is much cheaper for gold/silver coins and bars for investment. And someone said online is okay because the point of that hadith is to avoid interest, he said if the deal is finalized, then the deal is halal, sort of like or other places where you finalize it. Also, one online.. More
What is the religious ruling on selling during the time of prayer? Is there a difference between selling during the Friday prayer and during other prayers? May Allaah The Almighty Reward you. .. More
In the Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Ever Merciful
All perfect praise is due to Allaah, the Exalted, Whom I ask to Confer peace and blessings upon the Prophet.
Some companies offer free gifts for the consumer, along with the product which the company wishes to market, and set a certain price for such an offer. Some vendors split this offer.. More
salam, can you please provide the references of hadiths which permits muraabahah transaction?
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