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182 fatwas

  • Wants to marry his widowed cousin but his wife refuses

    I am a married man having one wife with 3 kids (2 daughters, 1 son); enjoying very happy conjugal life, Al-hamdulillaah. One of my cousins lost her husband (died) recently and fallen in a big problem with 3 kids (all daughters, 1 marriageable). She likes and wants me to marry her. To maintain 6 kids is not a very big problem for me but I feel my.. More

  • His non-Muslim wife refuses his second marriage to have children

    I am Muslim and married with English woman and she is non-Muslim and she cannot have children, Allaah said that we can get married four wives. I would like to have children but I don't know what I do in case she does not accept to let me marry another woman. Can you please tell me with details all my rights? .. More

  • A First Wife Whose Marriage Has Not Been Registered

    I married my husband in a small mosque organized by Muslims, I'm not sure if its a member of a big mosque. We had witnesses and he paid me sum of money as protection money. But my biggest confusion comes from the fact that he was not able to give me a legal marriage certificate. Its been 2 years now. I married him day before I came back to Philippines,.. More

  • Second wife disobeys her husband because he does not stay with her

    My friend who has a second wife and he doesn't stay with her for genuine reason. Second wife refuses to obey him for not having staying with him. Her request is if he stays she will obey and wear and behave like normal Muslim girl. At times she deprives him of close relation between husband and wife. Please advice. .. More

  • She can't stand polygyny

    What if a woman understands polygamy but can't stomach it happening to her can she then ask for a divorce if it leaves her emotionally distraught to the point that she can't continue loving the man? .. More

  • Having multiple wives living in the same house

    a person having two wives, and again married the third wife and put them in the house, having separate rooms, but the third wife always not feeling comfortable living with them due to their approaches and sometime saying to her some unfavorable words, she reported such cases to her husband and the husband intended to discuss with them on the issue.. More

  • Does not want her husband to marry again

    My husband wants to get married and I am a wonderful wife, I do everything he tells me. Is it Haraam for me to tell him not to get married or stopping him from get married? .. More

  • Ruling on polygyny

    What is the opinion of Islam when a religious teacher who wants to please a group of female congregation on matter of polygamy said: "When come to polygamy men always use the Sunnah to justify but when comes to other matters that are Sunnah men seem not to follow it." To me this is an insult to the Sunnah of polygamy and the religious teacher.. More

  • Has questions about her marital status and her husband's multiple marriages

    Was married before and have three children from that marriage. Unfortunately, it ended in divorce. I married my new husband in the USA in a civil ceremony. I became a Muslim after marrying almost immediately. We have never been married by Nikaah. My husband is from Egypt very close to his family and I respect all his wishes not to hurt them. He.. More

  • Snoring wife feels mistreated

    A husband has two wives; one has a problem with snoring due to nasal problems. So the husband chooses to sleep in another room while he stills sleeps with the other wife in the same room. Thus the wife he is sleeping away from (only because of this problem) she feels very hurt and sometimes feels a little distant from him please. Is it ok.. More

  • Wants clarification of her rights as first wife

    I'm sorry to ask so many questions, but my heart weighs heavy. My previous question brought doubt on my husband's morals. I do know him well enough to know where he draws the line on sexual activity outside of marriage. I know that he would not enter a woman that wasn't his wife. But where do other activities fall in terms of sinning, i.e. oral.. More

  • Feels oppressed by her husband

    Allaah has commanded the man to maintain his family. The scholars say be patient with our mates. When does patient turn into stupidity. Muslimah has been married for 5 years; the husband who has two wives only financially supports the home of the first wife. Their is no division of time. Please help me to understand, it would seems that the.. More

  • Unfair treatment by her husband who has another wife

    My husband lives 40 km distance from me with one of his other wives. For a period of 3 years he has a habit of staying away from me 2-3 months and he comes back-it happens frequently. He does not support me financially at all-neither does he even ring to ask me how I am. I would like to get divorce from him. What can I do that is comparable.. More

  • Concerned about his feelings and actions toward his second wife

    I have two wives. I read the book of polygamy by Dr. Bilaal Philips and I found myself I am not doing just to one of my wives. I force my heart and now I see bad end. I wanted to divorce her but I said let me be patient but now things are getting worse. She is not bad. Now she is about to deliver I feel inhuman to act to my wish... More

  • Resents having same accommodations as her husband's ex-wife

    I had a question registered on the No. 241857. You gave me an answer but I think you understood wrongly the situation: I am not the second wife of a man, I am the wife he took secondly after he divorced the first one. I am his only wife now but still I am treated worse than his ex-wife because since they have kids together she is still living in.. More