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What is the ruling of sitting in front of a marriageable woman in a bus or at school? .. More
Is it permissible to visit a woman in hospital after child birth?.. More
I have some male friends in the college and they help me in the obedience of Allaah by providing me with religious tapes and books. It is thanks to them that I started wearing Hijaab. Is our relationship forbidden? .. More
Is it permissible for young men and young women to gather in the obedience of Allaah, I mean to agree to visit orphanages and old people’s home, and each of the young men and young women gather separately and meet at orphanages and old people’s home to help the sick and be friendly and play with the children? .. More
What is the ruling on a woman who massages her husband from his foot to his knee in the presence of his brothers because he was exhausted? Is this permissible or forbidden? Nonetheless, she sits in front of them wearing appropriate clothes, covering all her body and her hair. .. More
I'm hoping you can help me - where I live there are no female gyms available, I'm very over weight and trying to do something about it, I'm wondering if its possible to go to a mixed gym dressed modestly i.e. baggy bottoms and top with the Hijaab on. The gym I'm referring to is mixed but there is only 1 or 2 men there... More
What is the concept of social life after marriage in Islam? 1) Can a couple invite another friend couple on dinner at home? 2) Can they invite each other or visit each other home and share the joy, etc.?.. More
I'm 18-years old. There is a non-Muslim teacher, who is very intimate with me. She is about 35-years old. We always discuss our personal matters. She always encourage me to study well, not as a teacher but as friend, as a mother. We are very close friends. But even I never touch her. I always under Islamic restrictions. In this situation what.. More
I living in a multi-racial society, I am prone to meeting people outside my races and regard them as friends. Unfortunately, this has allowed me to fall in love with a Kafir who is willing to stand by me through everything, except entering my religion because he does not believe in one. He is a good person and my mother thinks the same way too.
As.. More
I want to know importance of brother and sister's relations (there is no blood relation they are cousins) my friend has four sisters like this (cousins). He was meeting to her as brother but now he is interested in her and they want to marry (both). What does say Islam in this matter? Please clarify 2 things:
1) Importance of brother.. More
My son refuses to go to his sister wedding party, because their shall be both male and female in the wedding, this is causing a big crack in our family, I the father cannot accept my son any more if he dose not go? .. More
I have a friend who I know is still having a relationship with her boyfriend even though her parents' had forbidden it and she has even promised to stop seeing him. My question is: do I have the right as a Muslimah to inform her parents about what she is doing against their wishes? Her parents are upstanding figure in our community and their.. More
I m a Muslim woman living in Italy, I study in university, I meet some male colleagues; Muslims, in my class and we talk about lessons and family problems. When I tell my husband about male colleagues and their problems, he gets angry with me. And treating me to prevent me from study. I ask if he is right. What can I do? .. More
I have various questions and I hope you can answer them as soon as possible.
The other day I was at my cousin's wedding party and there was mixing of females and males of all ages and they were talking and laughing with each other during the wedding, however I did not take part in this, in matter of fact I felt a stranger among them and.. More
Is it ok for a girl of age 12 to sit next to a boy or sit in front a boy every day at school (Muslim boy or non-Muslim boy)?.. More
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