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3579 fatwas

  • Brothers are not speaking after three days

    My brother is not talking with me and avoiding me. What should I do? Is there a Hadith stating that after 3 days and we do not talk we will be Kaffir? Must I approach him again?.. More

  • Showing Preference to Daughter Over Sons

    What is the ruling of Shariah concerning a father who prefers his daughter more than his sons? .. More

  • Importance of piety (Taqwa) in human life

    What’s importance of piety (Taqwa) in human life? .. More

  • Fasting to fulfill a vow

    I want to know the Fatwa concerning the vow of fasting eleven years ago I vowed to Allah that if He fulfilled my wish I would fast for two months. My wish became true but I did not manage to fast the days though I am not sick. I wish to know if it is possible to give money instead of fasting? If yes, how much? If no, can I fast separately, two.. More

  • Struggling to become rich in Islam

    In Islam is it allowed to struggle to become rich? When one is too busy there is less time for prayers and for other good Islamic deeds as the mind is always thinking of making money. What business is recommended for Muslim? Please advise... More

  • Wants to desert his wife just for his family’s desire

    I am in a situation where my mother and sisters are insistingto marry a family relative of their choice. They do not know I have married another Arab woman who was Christian and converted to Islam. To make my family happy I have been ignoring my wife, who I have kept in the USA away from my home. She is pregnant with my son,.. More

  • Pornographic films in Ramadan

    Is watching a pornographic film allowed in Islam and during Ramadan?.. More

  • Du'aa' for successful childbearing

    I have a friend who has been married for 6 years and got pregnant 7 times but she had miscarriages with each pregnancy in the first few months for no reason according to her doctors. Is there is a call or prayer or invocation you can recommend so I can tell her, or is there an invocation that she can say when she is pregnant to help her to keep her.. More

  • Fear Allah and be modest

    I some times feel very proud of my self when I'm talking to some one about Qur'an or about Prophet Mohamed because I feel I'm better than this person and I know more than him. And also I feel like I'm teaching people. I always blame my self. Is that arrogance and how can I preventive it? .. More

  • Repented for His Broken Vow but Still Fears Punishment

    Once I had a great anxiety and I said, "Oh, my Lord cure me and I swear to avoid some sins (because I thought that these sins are the source of my anxiety), if I do these sins You can punish me by a great anxiety". But after that, I was still anxious and I did them. I made Tawbah for breaking my oath and I give the Kaffarah. But I fear that Allah will.. More

  • Father Rejects Son Who Did Not Accept Woman Proposed by Him (Father)

    Is it right for a father to reject his son and put him away from his family, if he does not accept to marry the woman who the father has previously made an engagement to? .. More

  • Seeking revenge for harm caused by a Muslim

    Someone harmed my family and me tremendously which lead us to depression and misery. Can we curse and swear against this Muslim? Can we pray to Allah to punish him? Explain about this with regards to Qur'an and Hadith... More

  • Wearing Socks to Bed

    I'd like to know whether it is permissible to wear socks to bed. I haven't read anything anywhere that says it is not, but I have been told by elders that the Angels do not come if you are wearing socks while asleep. Please clarify the truth for me, so I can tell others and remove any misconceptions there may be. .. More

  • Marriages are not built only on love

    I am a 20 years married woman, and I have a son, after I got married I had some problems with my husband which left a huge space between us, I feel he is very different that what I am, he likes to control everything, I mean he is a good man in manners and religion but I just feel that I can't get along with him, I just don't love him and I feel that.. More

  • Dreams about a Girl Every Night When He Does Not Sleep According to the Sunnah

    Why when I only sleep respecting the Sunnah I do not dream about a girl that I loved so much, otherwise I am dreaming about her every night without exception and she always appears in my dreams on my left side, never on the right. Please could you help me explain this because these dreams are most of the time nightmares and cause me some depression.. More