Breaking multiple oaths & expiation: I have taken multiple oaths in the name of Allah and broke all in the recent past due to negligence/lack of self control/laziness. Now I would like to do kafarrah by feeding 10 people on the same day. Is it permissible or is it mandatory to do kafarrah for every oath (but my situation is I don’t know the exact.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, I have read a lot about the benefits of seeking and spreading 'beneficial knowledge'. However, is 'beneficial knowledge' only limited to Islamic knowledge/information or in general? For example, if I seek parenting advice and then counsel a Muslim with general parenting advice that I have gleaned from various sources that improves.. More
Assalaam alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. If a person who has made hijra for the sake of Allah starts to work where he made hijra to so he can get food etc and does not have to ask from people or so that people don't have to take care of him, does this mean that he has mixed his hijra with dunya? .. More
Assalam Alaikum! How can one ask forgiveness from calling Muslims Kuffaar (disbelievers)? If a Muslim committed some blasphemy, apostasy, or Kufr (disbelief), whether major or minor, how should he repent and what is the punishment for him if he returns back to Islam. Does that differ between men and women? .. More
First i'll start with my social life. It is pretty much non existent. I am religious or at least trying to be. I pray all the salahs( some times a bit late but i m trying to fix it). I m trying my best to stay away from Pornography and movies with nude scenes. I dont listen to music much nor watch music videos. as a result there is a huge distance between.. More
what if the 4th condition of repentance can't be fulfilled? the one about returning the rights.. such as saying something bad about the prophet (peace be upon him) or.. teaching people falsehood.. (is that one which you must tell people the truth after? and what if you can't tell anyone) i am in a state of despair.. like committing sins that you can't.. More
assalamu aleikum Im new to seeking knowledge. I want to become better muslim and i found the best way is to seek knowledge. My question is regarding note taking. Everything in islam is important, how do i know what to write down especially when the shaikh explains a fiqh or aqidah or any of the islamic books? I am not good at or should i say I'm TERRIBLE.. More
As-salaamu 3laikum, I want to know about the ruling on using the term 'self-sufficient'. I was speaking with my sister who is non-Muslim and she was using this word to mean being financially independent of the other members of the family and not asking them for help etc. Is it ok to use this word? Jazaak Allahu khair .. More
Salaam alaikum, I want to write a book on Islam and at the same time I wish to place the name of another person (one of my uncle in masjid) as a writer of that book during publication so to avoid Riya (show-off) of the people of our locality. Secondly, I also want to place a small library in our masjid and assighn it to that very person. So is it permissible.. More
Salam aleikum, a friend of mine in a western country ask for advice, he is a convert and before islam he was on drugs and in jail. Since about 4 years he moslem and free of drugs and so on. Since this time he donated blood with different organizations many times without problems. Now he came to a new oganisation and they ask very specific question,.. More
We have to disclose our income and bank statements to the education department to get concession in the overseas fee that we have to pay for our daughter which is $ 279/per week. We have drawn some amount from my husband's account which we actually sent to my mother so that she can invest it in her name for us. We do have savings but we don't want to.. More
i have a step mother and mother. my mother live with mother and my step mother live with elder mother, but she was not adjusted there. then we sent our step mother to elder 1st cousin where she lives happily. what are the rights of step mother on us in our property and maal etc .. More
Assalamu Alaikum my brothers in islam I am addicted to pornography. I have tried so many times to stop watching the filth but i keep failing. I made a qasam to Allah Swt that if i watch porn again i would fast for 30 days consecutively. However, today i realized that i shouldn't have done that because i get very strong urges to watch porn. So much so.. More
My friend's husband was involved in an extra marital affair. She told me and I told my husband with her permission because he was my friend's husband. But she said that her husband should not know that she has told this to me n my husband. As our husbands are very close friends. One day my husband told me that may b his friend(the same one) has not.. More
is it a sin to say something bad about anything in nature for example saying an animal is ugly or saying the weather is annoying etc .. More
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