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537 fatwas

  • Does eclipse affect a pregnant woman?

    aoa.i want 2 knw dat does sun eclipse really effcet a pregnent woman ?according to aslam plz satisfy me?jazak ALLAH.. More

  • Her aged mother does not want to live with her in a Muslim country

    Assalamu alaykum. My mother and myself are reverted muslimas in a non-muslim country. My husband, who has 2wife, living in muslim country, first wife always with him. I have three kids AlhamduliLlah, and being in non-muslim country I see a lot of danger for them. But if we go to my husband, my new muslim mother will be alone in non-muslim circumstances... More

  • Living in Catholic parents' house which has crosses and statues

    My husband who is muslim and I will be living with my parents who are catholics. Their house is full of crosses, and virgin mary statues. Can my muslim husband and me live in a house that has statues of Jesus, of the Virgin Mary, and crosses hanging from the walls?.. More

  • Attributing bad omen to one's words

    assalamualikum i am civil engineer by profession, my familiy five members , the question is now i am the money spending man my familiy, that is why i am always telling about controll the expenditure of my family ,my marrige is over and i controlled expenditure ,before marrige i told the familiy money also required for hospital cases in future , after.. More

  • His parents live in Denmark and he wants to live in Iraq

    Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh!I am currently living in is Denmark where it is "easy" to practise Islam. Problem is, this is a country full of fitnah, evils and sins.Another problem is, my whole family (my siblings and parents) lives here.Now, my parents allows me to go back to my/our homeland (Iraq), where the majority of our family is.. More

  • Natural fear is not Shirk

    ALSALAM ALAYKUM WA RAHMAT ALLAH SWT WA BARAKATU i have one question, my question is is it haram to be scared of dogs at night or be scared of the dark? i m usally scared to wake up at fajr because i hear dogs and i think shaaitan is near but then i say "ala bidhikr ALLAH tit ma'an al qaloob" and then i wake up and pray, but sometimes i cant concentrate.. More

  • She wants to leave her non-Muslim country, but her husband does not

    Assalaamu alaikum Me, my husband & children are residing in a non-muslim country. We needed stay here for a legitimate reason in sha Allah, now however that reason has expired. I want to return to our muslim country but my husband says we should stay here a few more years to save money, otherwise we can't afford to buy an appartment there. Is that.. More

  • Imitating non-Muslims - a religious view

    I wanted to ask a question about the fatwa 90174 about wedding anniversaries. In that fatwa the cleric use the following verse from the Prophet (pbuh). “He is not one of us, he who imitates non-Muslims, so do not imitate the Jews and the Christians” My question is, if this is so is it against Islam to where jeans, celebrate fisherman’s day, human.. More

  • She stopped treating her mentally-sick daughter

    assalam alykum my daughter is mentally sick when ever i start her treatment some or other problems come to me and her treatment is stopped my question is am i commiting a sin by not dooing her treatment and i am a divorcee but i am in regular touch vith that man as i want my children get their fathers love so i talk to him in a decent manner and tll.. More

  • Sending gifts to non-Muslim relatives on their birthdays

    My non-Muslim sister, non-Muslim father, and I live in three different countries. It is the habit to send some presents to my sister's and my children for their birthdays. My children don't celebrate their birthdays, but welcome the presents from their grandfather and aunt anyway. I try to send my sister's children a parcel some time before or after.. More

  • A husband performing Ruqyah for his wife

    As salaamu alaikum Is it permissble to put husband hand on pregnant wife tommy and say duas or darood-e-sharif etc. Please tell me. Thanks. Khaliq.. More

  • His Hindu classmates ask him to participate in their pagan festival

    assalmalaikum , please help me i am in a very desperate situation . i am a third year student of engineering in india and leaves with hindu friends in a hostel of more than 100 people. i am a namaazi person who offer salat consistently the problem is that in my college every year sarwasti puja is celeberated which is a kind of idol worship . every.. More

  • Reciting the Quran on water for Ruqyah

    assalam wa alykum if the person wants to read surahs and blow it on the water then the person should blow on the water after reciting every surah or blow after reciting all the surahs togather? and which all surahs should be recited to blow on the water for protection from all the evils? jazakallahhukhair.. More

  • Imitating Hindus by putting a red sign on the forehead

    Salaam. My mother-in-law is a Parsi (Zoroastian) from India. My wife converted to Islam and we're both practicing Muslims. We've both made it clear to my in-laws that we don't want to be a part of anything religious from their side. They have understood that and accepted it. Sometimes, on happy occasions, they put a red mark on my wife's forhead.. More

  • Afraid to remove a mole on his cheek

    Asalam O Alaikum! I am 21 year old guy from Pakistan. The problem I am stating here is somewhat superstitious. Well, things were going fine in our family 3 years ago. My mother, my little brother and I had a mole on cheek. After finding the proper treatment my mother and my brother decided to rub out that mole. After using the cream for few days the.. More