As salamu aleykum, Is the following hadith Sahih; Alqamah reports that Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Mas'ud radiallahu anhu said, 'Should I not lead you in salâh in the manner of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam ?' He then prayed and did not raise his hands except in the beginning. (Imam Abu Hanifah as recorded in Jam'i al Masaneed 1/355. Also reported by Ibn Abi Shaibah in his al Musannaf 2441 as well as his Musnad 323; Ahmad 3672, Abu Dawood 748, Tirmidhi 257; Nasai in al Mujtaba 1058 and also in al Sunan al Kubra 645 & 1026 & 1099; Abu Ya'laa 5040 & 5302, and Baihaqi 2531.)
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger.
Many scholars classified the narration which you mentioned in the question as Dha’eef (inauthentic). For instance, Abu Daawood
when reporting this narration, said: "This narration is not authentic with this wording." Besides, Ibn Abu Haatim
reporting from his father, said: "This narration is wrong." Moreover, Ahmad ibn Hanbal and his professor Yahya ibn Aadam
said: "This narration is weak.’’; Al-Bukhari
reported it from them and said the same thing about it.
Ibn Hajar quoting Ibn Al-Mubaarak said: 'This narration is not authentic.'; Ad-Daaraqutni
is of the same view. Besides, Al-Bazzaar
said: 'This narration is not authentic and it cannot be used as evidence.'
Similarly, Ibn Hajar stated that the scholars
–among whom is Imaam Ibn Hibbaan –considered this narration as Dha’eef.
For more benefit, please refer to Fataawa 86962, 87198, 93785 and 101591.
Allaah Knows best.
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