Joining the sun and the moon on the Day of Judgment

14-2-2008 | IslamWeb


Dear Scholer Assalaamualaikum To day I would like to know something about the day of judgement. It is said in quraan that on the day of judgement, the sun and the moon wiil be remain on side by side and will be lightless- if im not wrong. But it is also a saying that the sun will be above closer to our head and there will be suffering by it's heat (such as sweat wiil be streaming down from our head , brain will be melted etc...) I would like to know your opinion . May Allah guide us on the true path. Shukran.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger.


It appears, Allaah Knows best, that there is no contradiction between the verse in which Allaah Says (what means): {And the sun and the moon are joined.}[Quran 75:9], and what is reported in an authentic narration that the sun will be above the heads of the people on the Day of Judgment. If the light of the sun and moon is vanished –and this is one interpretation of the verse –then Allaah will make this as a Sign of the Hour. Allaah is able to return it again later to its original state of extreme heat when the people will stand for reckoning.

According to another interpretation, which is throwing the sun in Hellfire as a sign of blaming those who worship it in this worldly life, then the matter is clear, it means that the sun gets near the heads of the people on the Day of Judgment when people will stand in front of Allaah for reckoning, and after the people of Hellfire enter it, it will be with them in Hellfire.  

Allaah Knows best.