No connection between cutting off ties with your kin and abandoning homosexuality

29-10-2013 | IslamWeb


I am single Muslim, I have many complicated issues, I have problems with my parents, and my family, and I struggle with my homosexuality since a long time (15 years ago), I was a sinner, but I try hard to repent and keep holding my faith with Iman & Sabr. I studied about Homosexuality and I knew it has roots to the nurture and parents and family in childhood, the problem is that I can not forgive easily for what they had did to me, I live their mistakes and their wrong nurture. What I want to know is if my parents disobedience & family disconnection are preventing me from homosexual intercourses, if a sin is preventing me from a bigger sin ? to which one should the priority be ? which is more sinful by God ? Homosexuality ? Family disconnection ? or parent's disobedience?


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) is His slave and Messenger.

There is no doubt that homosexuality is an obnoxious and abominable sin and it is one of the grave major sins and one of the devastating matters and there is also no doubt about the obligation of being dutiful to one's parents and keeping ties of kinship and that severing ties with one's parents is forbidden. Therefore, you are obligated to abandon all kinds of sins and do all what Allaah has ordained you to do according to your ability.

We do not see any connection between cutting ties of kinship and cutting ties with your parents on the one hand, and abandoning the sin of homosexuality on the other hand. It appears that your relatives do not order you to commit sins. If this is the case, then you should not cut off relationships with them; it is the devil who beautifies for you to cut off ties of kinship and wants to deceive you to believe that this would be a reason for abandoning the other sin.

However, assuming that keeping ties with your kin makes you commit that sin, like if they order you to commit it and they beautify it for you, then you are not sinful for cutting off relationships with them as the right of Allaah comes in priority over the right of any other person.

Allaah Knows best.